A Dream of Purity

I’m going to guess that the answer to your questions hinge on your wise use of the word “current,” as we can change our current circumstances of lives in so many different ways, like through these fields, our new learnings, our spiritual and energetic practices as well as making new decisions and taking different actions in our current circumstances.


So this is my follow-up: If we are additionally using a field to set us on a specific course, like BPIL, will we be shown the future of that? Our “ideal selves” as Maoshan said?


no or at least it would just slightly influence it considering its not that simply made but is based on all your aspects
perhaps on the long term


So when is this field best used? Before sleep, during sleep or maybe during the day?

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Best to meditate to it, otherwise doesn’t matter imo


So what other fields(free) can i pair this to get a clear dream of what I can be? I kind of don’t understand how it works. Will I get a clear vision while sleeping or is it just a sense of what is best for me? This field has been out for 1 month so I would appreciate if someone could share his experience with this field.

It depends on how information feel natural to you… is it through a sense of knowing? A sense of feeling? A sense of inner voice? A direction? These are all different ways this or any other field can guide you. Among many others like hearing or a strong vision in your head, comes in flashes sometimes :smiley:

If you are on Patreon, it makes sense to pair this with Imaginarium Divine to enhance your reception of the information and downloads.


It’s an energetic “window” into the best (=highest/closest to enlightenment) version or state you can achieve in this current incarnation.
Sure maybe some people have visions etc. but don’t expect that.
And don’t expect it to be a best path in life sorry of thing.
If you want to have a sense of that is best for you, print and carry the higher self connection mandala, listen to that field and imaginarium divine.


For me, when Im meditating with it, the energy I feel is so powerful and intense that I haven’t actually been able to listen to the entire thing in one go. I usually get about 3/4 through it and have that strong feeling of eagerness, excitement and hope I suppose.
It’s hard to describe, but it really gets me off my butt and gives me that deep craving of what I am after


It helps me believe more in my dreams. And believe is everything we need. :pray: :pray: :pray:


I’ve been sitting on this field for a while. Using it right now- I pray I get to this level of purity one day. So grateful for a glimpse! :pray: what a feeling of freedom.


:100:. I bought it when it came out but just used it now for the 2nd time -wow I’ve been missing out.


Today i realized why it’s called a Dream. Because it helps you to dream about your future. :see_no_evil: I know im slow lol.


Shoot I might be slower than you, cause I didn’t know till you said that.


May i know the length of this field ? And playing just once in the morning is enough?

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Yo Mr @Vikkren08 :grin:

it seem the type of field that you know “how much” its enough


Hi Ms @AkiraTheWild :smiley:,

i see…so we intuitively know how much we need it…i get it . Thanks.
Btw can let me know how long the playing time/ duration of audio is ?

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It’s approx. 11 mins.


Last night I’ve had “a dream of impurity”. No, I wasn’t doing anything trash in it nor “sinning” lol. On the contrary, the theme was quite fluffy (the worst traps are usually fluffy and charming anyway). About something that I deeply wanted, once upon a time. Something I was sort of progressing toward, something I believed was absolutely meant to be. And when I had found out that it wasn’t, I had spent quite a while devastated and rambling in the abysses… before realizing how lucky I’ve been for having changed my direction.

As a matter of fact, I was thinking that I was totally over that stuff but last night’s dream has showed me that maybe I’m not… OR maybe it was just a reconfirmation about the fact that different times/timelines keep coexisting: nothing left in the past, everything constantly present all the time. Because I’d lie if I said that I haven’t enjoyed that dream, it was quite fulfilling… As if I was satisfying a current desire… with a slight, slight discomfort in the background though. A discreet alarm hardly noticeable.

I woke up, laughed about the dream, and shared it with _OM to get a non-diluted opinion. The patience and dedication of this man is beyond reason, I tell you. Beyond reason. I hope his detractors can understand it some day. Too harsh? Yes, because here’s what’s happening basically:

-_OM, I think and believe that kydkydkydkyd.
-Stop. That. Bullshit. Right. Now.
-:sob: Why do you have to talk to me this way??
-Because this is not who you are!! Come back when you have something to say as the REAL you.

Later in time:

-_OM… Kdktdkyddykdy.

Yes, that’s it. Anyway. So we agreed that I’d better use some more Etheric Cord Cutter these days, in case the obsolete stuff from that dream is trying to reach out to me, for testing or messing purposes. In a sneaky way, through astral costumes and deceptions. Before the cutting process, I’ve decided to acknowledge my revived feelings though. To purge them out lol. So I played a song from “that time”, sang along out loud, and then kicked the stuff with my foot :foot: :arrow_right: :door:

I also remembered a comment by _OM about the 2 new fields in the Substratum album. I’ve honestly haven’t read the related threads properly so far. Because still feeling sentimental about those fields. Not in a tragic tone though. It’s more like getting sentimental when staring at a beautiful painting.

So _OM had mentioned A Dream of Purity in one of those threads. And after last night’s dream, I sort of “needed” to envision my outcome. Using it as a gentle weapon, some hope to hang at. Also to stay “stronger” in front of possible detours, trickeries, etc. that would try to ruin my determination (like the folks/events in the dream). So I’ve ended up getting this field.

Now Navigator of Awe has a whole other destination. Sorry for being vague like that but I don’t think that specific examples matter that much in this context (not to re-mention that Dream of Purity is a highly individualized field). No fortune-telling here. No factual premonition. But a huge confirmation that claims “no matter what may happen… this is where you will stand, this is how you will handle stuff, this is your genuine attitude, the one that will keep you safe and solid. Hey, hey, are you even listening?? THIS, hey! Nothing else. So strive for it and don’t worry about the rest. Don’t get obsessed either, but just stay assured of the outcome”.

Thank you Dreamweaver (and _OM, of course).


Stopping by to add that this is now among my top 4 with Tree Experience, Navigator of Awe and Quasi Crystal v1. Or we may also say among my top 73437, since I love all the ones I’m using.

Like many other folks out here, I’m always “chasing” the “perfect stack”. The one that would make the most sense to me. I usually “succeed”, even if it takes some time to organize. The inspiration given by other users is also priceless.

But here’s the one played in the middle of the day in an actively meditative mode (I have 2 other stacks for the morning and the night + additional ones like the workout, cleansing, ritual, etc. stacks):

  • Major Blueprint: exit any blocakage, welcome storage mode
  • Light and Vibrational Guidance: to check with those who have managed to overcome their limitations by putting in the work… asking them for some inspiration, and keeping raising the vibrational aspect.
  • Navigator of Awe: the protective roadmap because such undertakings usually require one.
  • Inner Pillar of Power: sOMeone has recently rementioned how inseparable the Power - Wisdom and Love trio is. So that’s the Love fuel of the stack.
  • Wisdom of The Dying: for additional “messages”, those that I may be skipping / missing when absorbed too much in “current” stuff (sidenote: the music of this one is :heart:)
  • A Dream of Purity: to see what my entire beingness will look like once it integrates all the previous elements. “End” goal… or evergoing goal.
  • New Perspectives: to turn this all into a sustainable here and now. Installing the program (by asking the field to do it). Because having “awesome” and “breathtaking” experiences (and then going back to the “normal routine” ???!!!) doesn’t suffice anymore. Nor does the “someday, I will. Yes, someday”. So this is the one that reminds the old saying which is “life is one day long and that day is today”.

Might not be ZE ideal stack “objectively” (?!) speaking. But personally, that’s the one I feel 100% satisfied with so far.