A Key to Babel

That gives a better picture of how you are getting these in. And I have only been using two devices at once. Time to step up. :slight_smile:


M8K, White matter and a few others in the morning too for 1-2 hours

Once in a while it’s a full day of ABP and Brain game


LOL bro that’s literally me. I played brain key for awhile and then slept with Advantageous brain plan, drops of memory, and Manhattan method on 3 separate devices and woke up literally like any other day.

Definitely not recommending this to anyone it’s just testing.

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Man… This field is legit guys. To tell you the truth, it’s a gamechanger.

If you’re anything like me and are trying to play catch up in life with your newly found intelligence (all of you will begin feeling like this after a certain amount of gains lol) then you’ll know how much a book or a podcast can help catch you up.

With this field I’m able to hear a podcast, deconstruct the meanings and manipulate them in my mind to better formulate holistic thought patterns regarding the context presented. I’m able to grasp new words and use them in different ways, in which I find myself researching the words to check if I’m using them correctly, in which I usually am. I’m also able to express myself with less mumbo jumbo spewing out and pausing while I wait for a word. This happens infrequently now, rather than previously, consistently.

I’m in the developing stage so it may not seem as such if you pay attention to my comments, but best believe, once I use this field to greater extents, I should be able to represent my higher level thinking patterns linguistically.

Just hearing words alone has improved, the ability to process the words individually but at the same time with less effort is a skill that cannot go unnoticed.

I’d say my oral expression was the weakest link for my cognition. Partially due to low dopamine, but also due to lack of self exposure to more complex thought forms. (I’m still young technically so I had time, being that the prefrontal cortex is involved in self expressive language and well, I had more years to go of prefrontal growth.)

But I can say that this field has exhilarated me.


Since this field is more on the expensive side, I wanted to ask something regarding this paragraph ^^
Does some of the wiring overlap with Musically Yours?
I’m debating what should I start with,
My visual memory is my strong suit and I wanna improve my ability to recall conversations, and improve comprehension without visual aid when studying

Also, I do play around with music as a hobby, so musically yours and the option of acquiring perfect pitch is very tempting

So my love for languages draws me to this field,
And since I have kinesthetic I thought maybe it will cover some of the coordination and finger dexterity (?)

Bottom line to this long text is the question I started with,
Does some of the wiring overlap with Musically Yours?


I wouldn’t say so.

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Arrr OK…
Thought for a second I might be able to kill two birds with one stone

(as a start)

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Maybe… maybe superficially, you might get some musical benefits

But not really lol


There is an advantage and disadvantage to designing very specialized brain fields


My bet is that if you get another brain fields next year (the store isn’t going anywhere) the total sum of all the wiring will be greater this way.

It’s very long term


This is the exciting part!
I will eventually grab both so I’m not worried,
Its actually pretty interesting and gets me wonder and wanna learn more about the brain,

So I really appreciate the more niched fields


I wanna be that quick witted guy who can out joke everyone in the room and be a master at debates and just speak a lot to people and learn from them and understand what they truly mean (I love socialising just not that good at it yet lol) I’m already kind of there but this field should enhance it im guessing ?

One of my main goals is language learning and just being verbally fluent, holy crap I didn’t even know this field existed till now lol nice. Reading is going to be awesome with this
this + social bonder + the new speech field thats coming out…

Thank you <333


will this cause autism effects if looped ?

If you get overgrowth you will feel it, you will feel the fuzzy, blurry vision and thinking and then you can use plasma brain, brain key, synapse or the free autism field



To be honest very busy lately and can’t even afford to use audios many times because they will make me tired. But a bit of an update is that my progress on Chinese has been pretty fast and with my about 3 months of real study i adapted to the class I am in pretty fast. This class being considerably harder than the one I should have joined (I wanted to test myself and progress faster)… It worked. I still have some problems but honestly no one in my class has studied as little as me before coming and I am already better in some aspects compared to other classmates who came with more. That being said I do put a lot of effort but i feel like this probably helped a lot




The audio is used for spoken language skills or to learn everything about the language (speaking, reading, writing, etc.).

I mean it will help with reading but it doesn’t have the eye tracking, eye coordination, or interpretation of written meaning brain circuitry and skillsets of speed reading.

You’ll probably come up with more words while writing. (I do.)

Reading comprehension will be spread across more areas as well to a degree.

This is more for spoken language from the auditory perspective. More language encoding, retrieval, variety/nuance, and speech production capacity.

Just overall better language manipulation and fluency.


It is what I have noticed since I don’t have Speed Reading yet. I had the chance to exchange a conversation with a woman who speaks mainly Spanish and English is both our second language. We bridged the gap there although she seems to understand some French. When I read the translations throughout the conversation, it would not target as it would with Speed Reading according to the information here, deduction and what you wrote when I think about it but help in other areas. Other fields will help in their own ways although not as specific.


How do you use this audio? How many times per day can you listen to it and when you use it, do you have to do something afterwards, like read books or listen to audio languages?

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