good evening everyone, a question can you recommend a great field to win small amounts in the lottery?
Good evening Carmen,
You can add Luck, Probability and Gratitude audios.
questi campi ancora non li ho mai provati inizio subito a farlo grazie per il consiglio , una domanda io finora ho ascoltato il campo dell abbondanza e tutto ciò che può servire oppure ho sbagliato fino ad adesso:sweat_smile:
Prego :) Ma non ho capito la tua domanda. Dici che basta il campo Abbondanza oppure…?
no, I wanted to know if it could help a little or if I made a mistake up to now to use that one for the lottery😥
No, not a mistake at all. Abundance and Gratitude fields are likely to make you feel as if you already have all you need and be happy about it. And with such an energy, you attract even more abundance (not necessarily in material terms…) and the wheel goes on like that.
Non so se era abbastanza chiaro? ;))
oh, wow, you speak italian @Bronyraur @Carmen
Care to support the request of a Language Soul Series - Italy?
I support this series but soon we won’t need it, since we’ll all start communicating telepathically :p
Well you know, since I have “someone” addressing me since very young in English (which is foreign for me) , perhaps I have a few fellow Italian amici.
Ho iniziato un percorso in questa direzione., ma ho bisogno di aiuto
oh man it’s true thanks I had never seen it under this point
yes of course🥰
This sentence sounds like Cluedo… but I’ll figure it out ;)))
Siamo tutti qui pronti ad aiutarti fratello
I had to google to understand who she was I’m still stuck with Saint Seiya since centuries… I should update some time lol
hahah sweet
JoJo’s Bizzare Adventure has 5 parts tho, it will take quite some time to get there
Speaking of Saint Seiya (aka Les chevaliers du Zodiaque)… Now that I think back, it was one of the “signs” indicating that I would meet Dreamweaver some day lol