Hello captain nemo a mindfulness tag would be awesome . It would help people with overthinking , fear etc .etc @El_Capitan_Nemo what do you think
There was one on Teespring (Mindfulness + Timelessness). Will it be available ever again? Only Dream and his team may know.
Ī„Īµs I agreedā¦It should be awesome and it will help Many peopleā¦I hope the all tags of teespring will come backā¦
Yes. That tag and both Self Realisation series tags are awesome.
Meanwhile, there is the excellent Self Realisation series!
I think the Ascension tag helps with that I think
Id be such a happy camper if this tag made a comeback! I think would be great for thought forms
AGREED. Mindfulness tag would be an awesome ideaā¦mindfulness the cure for the chattering of the mind,anxienty fear
Iām selling both realization tags check on classified
In other news the silent mind nft tag is a great option
Only for mindfulness though, i suppose ascension naught is a great option for the other 3 fields :)
Why?no results?
Actually great results, but I dont use the tags anymore so I may as well sell themā¦
My post is here if you are interested.