A question

How can I tell if my ego died


interesting question! i’d love to see what answers are shared.

i may edit this for my own take later!

Yes. It didn’t. :slight_smile:

I think you’re thinking about more like ego being significantly “weakened” or “dissolved” not completely gone.
I think You would be able to tell apart a sudden jump/change because it is sudden. The way you experience and see the world radically changes and stays that way.
You can notice small steps of the process through monitoring your thoughts + through checking your reactions while interacting with other people. When you notice honest improvements, it is progress.

mm, “Ego death” people would always say those 2 words and it confused me because there’s no way to completely destroy ego lol, that’d be genuine death pretty much lol


lol you’d know beyond any shadow of doubt if your ego died.

I cant even think of an equivalent…

How would you know if you lost all your limbs?
In other words, It’s that obvious when it happens.


Also, here are more in-depth posts by @_OM.


Second to this, I’m in the process of getting there and even the way there you KNOW something changed inside you.

Without a sliver of a doubt…


The death of ego… or in other words:

the dark night of the soul?

Its like an onion, the first layer you remove its the one that makes you cry the most, the most painful, then a blissful feeling fills you up and you expand and grow, But then once all the hype and tranquility from that first layer being removed subsidies, you discover a new layer of that onion, some people get terrified here because they remember how painful the process was the first time and they choose to stay there giving way to ego to be born again and perhaps even stronger protecting itself from being removed again. For others, those that are really committed to remove all the layers of the onion then go through each one with a sense of humility and empowerment at the same time and then discover that is not that hard and you are managing each time like a pro, then you sit comfortable in that reassurance and one day baaam! You are faced with a spoiled layer of that onion that you didnt see, it was very hidden rotting from way deep silently but surely… that layer could hurt more than any other because its the deep spoiled one that was damaging the rest of the onion.

The second dark night of the soul is the toughest one but once you go through that one successfully, you learn and understand that the ego is like weed that never really goes away, it hides there waiting for the opportunity to grow again, and its our duty to watch out for the silent destroyer of our garden makIng sure we check on it every now and then just like a gardener keeps its garden free of weed.


beautiful read!

i was just thinking about something similar while on a walk with my doggie. right now i have been facing everything my thoughts and emotions bring up because i realized whenever i put it aside to ‘deal with later’ it just means it’s still there actively taking energy from me.

if i let it stay for too long, then it gets harder for me to neutralize compared to if i just took the moment it popped up to fully take responsibility for it.


Absolutely! Just like my example, if you let that weed grow, then the work to pull it out is harder, more painful if you do it on your own or easier but still longer of you use tools to remove it. Just like you do it now using all you have in reach from Dream :sunglasses::partying_face:

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Just know that awareness and recognizing the moment ego is present is one thing, very important nonetheless but we really know if the awareness tamed that ego the next time you get triggered by the same… oh and how it hurts when we notice it won the race even tho we were aware of it lol

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This is a really beautiful and helpful piece of writing!

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The subconcious have no ego normally

He is the viewer

No bad or Good

U try to enlightend then you reach that state

You have to come back as a normal human

And relize with the present that everything is “suppose”

You can choose the way your life

Can go left or right or go in the middle way

With no bad or good

That’ call “Tathakata”

( It is what it is)

When you near death or get ill so much

Go back to the viewer follow him

Viewer (Subconcious) is the sub of strings , universe or you can go out of 13 dimension

Real Nirvana state

No rebirth

Its all about how to set the mind

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