A silly little question

Good evening everyone🥰 a question but the sapien audio on the site can only be purchased with PayPal?


Which website?

It depends upon the website, but typically various payment options are available.


No question is silly.

It appears that in some ocassions (i dont remember which ones if on the shop website or teespree or gumroad) the only option is Paypal but no you simply click on the credit card icon yours belong to and proceed with the purchase.


For purchases from https://thesapienshop.com, PayPal is the only payment option. Gumroad & Teespring can do credit cards.


I can’t buy on gumroad​:sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

:hushed::hushed:how do i change the payment option?

I thought it was the quick paypal payment method on sapien shop😯


How can it be done😯

Another info for you Carmen: if you decide to buy the hardcover version of the Book of Cards, the website Lulu offers a credit card payment option. Something that I’ve discovered only this morning.


Thanks you so much :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Tell me what exactly you are trying to buy so i go and check to tell u how x

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I would like to get third eye audio on gumroad and sapien shop Reach For the Stars (Enhanced Glory) when it comes out

anyway sorry if I answered late I didn’t have internet if you help me you would do me a huge favor​:purple_heart::purple_heart:

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