About the Etherforge Consortium

@SilverZuzu @Thomas thank you both for your replies!

I’ll continue my solo-ish journey for a few months, and then consider these “extensions”.
I should have both more time and a financial budget by then.

I wonder if these “abilities” will rub off on us in time… Would we feel “naked” after taking the items off, or feel that at least a “fragrance” remains…


Magic stat…
Could someone provide a little insight into its potential?

  1. Limitless Steady Energy Source: This ability offers a constant and abundant flow of energy.

  2. Voodoo Detangled: This function provides protection against energetic threats and negative influences.

The Dragon Golem also has the ability to channel limitless energy on demand and can learn new skills. Magic itself is very vast.

Apart from providing energy, can it also circulate and transmute it, influencing the events on command?.

Have you looked into Elemental Alchemist ability?

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Yes,i have read about it.but i want to know the potential of magic stat.

Maybe put both descriptions on chatgpt to explain it? The description and difference makes sense to me

It covers all topics related to magic, in fact, everything. So, I want to know if that is really the case. If it is, then it could be a mini version of the Philosopher’s Stone. So far, I am loving this wonderful ability.

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You can trust Dreamweaver, his accuracy is always bullseye