Not trying to be an a$$ but I’m not understanding what you’re not understanding…
Humans aren’t math equations where “I mean, say you have 10 it uses 5, you have 1 it uses 0.5, you have 0.1 it uses 0.05…”
Seriously, what human issue works like that ever??
And yeah, i’ve been around these fields a while.
I’m not talking nonsense to look important.
Here’s the ORIGINAL description for the field
### Super fast Healing?
*Our other healing item, Faster Healing, speeds up the natural healing process by 300 to 500%. This item will increase that healing rate by at least 20 times faster. *
### Limit Use Time
ONLY FOR HEALTHY PEOPLE (i.e. no-fatigue, cancer, etc.) This field is like Faster Healing but will increase healing at least 20X faster for about 2 hours, and then it should be removed
It takes considerably larger amounts of energy from a persons system, physical energy, which could potentially leave a person exhausted if care is not taken. If worn way to long it is possible that the body could start to attack itself, once all other targets for healing are taken care of.
For short term healing, for wounds, breaks, sprains and the like, or at the beginning of a cold or flu, this is a very useful item to have
See the difference?
Be smart!
Just like the “boosting” - not everything fits everyone the same way.
That should go without saying.
I can tell you both of my parents are still alive with the help of this field
BUT AGAIN, they had to monitor HOW LONG they could wear it.
Don’t tell them to wear it all day long when/if they are telling you it’s draining them and they just want to sleep all day.
I’m not sure how I can make this any more clear, nor should you disregard this type of personal experience, even IF Sapien swore you could wear it all day.
Be smart, use common sense regardless of what any description by anyone says.