Advanced healing Dog Tag energy consumption

The description of the item on Teespring says

Limit Use Time This item was once restricted to short time use but it has been modified so as to regulate the healing power of the item to the capacity of the wearer’s available energy. It is still capable of speeding up healing 10 or 20 times faster than our faster healing item but will not do so if it will leave a person exhausted. As a result it can now be worn full time.

But then it goes on

it is not recommended for people that have already suffered a long term illness though, as it can drive people into near exhaustion if not monitored carefully.

Seem quite contradictory… Does the second quote is from the old description and doesn’t apply anymore?

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Not contradictory.

First quote refers to a basically healthy human looking to heal.

2nd paragraph refers to like someone who has cancer and has gone thru chemo and all their energies are basically at minimum levels or something similar.

In other words, just use common sense.
If the field feels like you need to take a nap or zaps all your energy and you’re already dealing some heavy illness/disease, take it off and monitor how long one can wear it.


How can it exaust even this person if it “regulate the healing power to the capacity of the wearer”?

I mean, say you have 10 it uses 5, you have 1 it uses 0.5, you have 0.1 it uses 0.05…

Feel like arguing today eh?

I gave the field to my parents who had cancer. It wiped them out with a hour use.

I could have worn it all day and felt very little.

I’m not going to continue this if you just want to argue semantics of a description of an “invisible” field that heals people at superhuman comic book level rates.

Trying to understand actually, my parent has cancer too… the reason of my question (and also cause it says it has been updated, and a wrong description can happen lol)…

If you think I’m doing only for arguing that’s fine

Maybe someone else can help explain how this works

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If I wear this for more than 12 hours I start getting what feels like nerve pain in different parts of my body. I don’t know if that’s from nerves regenerating or from something detoxing out of me.

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You mean like needles?

Not exactly. Sometimes yes, like pin pricks in my fingertips. Other times in my feet though it’s not so much pin pricks but more like a larger sharp item.

I still use it though because I’m sure it’s doing something good. I usually use it with Eternity. I had a fairly serious wound completely heal up over night. But usually, there are no wounds to witness disappearing in the first place and what I notice is my skin looks way better in the morning with it than with Eternity alone. That’s my main evidence.

You guys should be tipped off on this too if you’re serious about healing. Schumann tag brings your frequency to 7.83 Hz. NASA studied frequencies and healing and found that 10 Hz causes your body to heal 4 times faster. 5 Hz double the healing. So one more benefit of Schumann is that it gets you close to that 10 Hz mark, adding somewhere around a 3X quicker healing rate. So putting that with Eternity for regeneration and Advanced Healing for its 10-20 times quicker rate, could enhance the process.

The Negative Ion mandala supplies you with electrons which the body uses for healing. All healing requires electrons. See the book “Healing is Voltage” for more info.


Not trying to be an a$$ but I’m not understanding what you’re not understanding…

Humans aren’t math equations where “I mean, say you have 10 it uses 5, you have 1 it uses 0.5, you have 0.1 it uses 0.05…”

Seriously, what human issue works like that ever??

And yeah, i’ve been around these fields a while.
I’m not talking nonsense to look important.
Here’s the ORIGINAL description for the field

### Super fast Healing?

*Our other healing item, Faster Healing, speeds up the natural healing process by 300 to 500%. This item will increase that healing rate by at least 20 times faster. *

### Limit Use Time

ONLY FOR HEALTHY PEOPLE (i.e. no-fatigue, cancer, etc.) This field is like Faster Healing but will increase healing at least 20X faster for about 2 hours, and then it should be removed

It takes considerably larger amounts of energy from a persons system, physical energy, which could potentially leave a person exhausted if care is not taken. If worn way to long it is possible that the body could start to attack itself, once all other targets for healing are taken care of.

For short term healing, for wounds, breaks, sprains and the like, or at the beginning of a cold or flu, this is a very useful item to have

See the difference?

Be smart!
Just like the “boosting” - not everything fits everyone the same way.

That should go without saying.

I can tell you both of my parents are still alive with the help of this field
BUT AGAIN, they had to monitor HOW LONG they could wear it.

Don’t tell them to wear it all day long when/if they are telling you it’s draining them and they just want to sleep all day.

I’m not sure how I can make this any more clear, nor should you disregard this type of personal experience, even IF Sapien swore you could wear it all day.

Be smart, use common sense regardless of what any description by anyone says.


Belive me or not I was having in mind a post of yours where you were using numbers to explain fields lol
I think you were talking about APE, and it was very useful for explaining purposes

Don’t worry, I usually do this. This description is from the creator of the field though…
I was asking explainations… my post was as simple as that

I don’t know why you get so mad with me asking simple questions in my OP… but thanks anyway for you explaination!


May I ask, is it advisable to share this dog tag field with family etc… that once healed up, dog tag returns and use it again on me, I mean there are no restrictions if I was to share it with someone or best to keep it for personal use and each should get their own tag field?

Personal tags like these are yours to do with however you want.


Funny you brought up Dr. Tennant. I have one of his biomodulators, and I was wondering if I could use that to keep the Advanced Healing field working for longer, because I’m continually adding energy into my system.

Well, that’s not how it worked out for me, I didn’t notice a difference either way, which I found as a very odd result. It’s making me think that there’s additional energy sources at play here beyond the electromagnetic. I tried also using scalar, that also didn’t seem to have much effect.

I don’t know much about the eastern philosophies, but the basics I’ve learned from Sapien say Jing is needed for the body, right? Could that be an entirely different energy source that is also used by the Advanced Healing field?

So many questions…

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I honestly thought the same thing when I read the description. To me, it reads as a mix of the old description and the new one, and it seems there is a bit of contradictory information. However, when I had my sister take a look, she didn’t read it that way.

I agree with you that it’d be useful to understand the underlying mechanisms as much as possible, because then we could use it more effectively. However, @_OM is also correct that following common sense and intuition are also important, even if he was a bit aggressive in his responses (you feeling okay man?).

@El_Capitan_Nemo or @SammyG, could you kindly provide some input here and bring a bit of clarity to the Advanced Healing tag?


The energy drain has been reduced of course. You aren’t going pass out if you use it for a few hours.
But still, we’d recommend using caution because it still accelerates your body’s natural healing processes. It’s using your energy to heal you.