Did you see my answer where I explain my point?
Can anyone tell me what would be the best use for the advanced healing field?
What do you mean? It seems quite self explanatory to me
You mean how many times ecc or…?
What do you personally use it for? I’m kinda confused as I have the eternity tag and it has the enhanced healing field in it. So how is advanced healing different from it?
I have both.
Advanced Healing is pure healing and much stronger. Use when needed.
For example - When you have pulled a muscle, got an infection etc.
So eternity should work synergistically with advanced healing?
I think that both work synergistically with almost all of Dreams fields.
I think Advanced Healing is good as a booster for any other healing audio too.
Indeed. Thats how i do It when i use it.
So what’s the deal with the update? Plasmafied advanced healing?
It’s already out. It’s called Plasma Protocol.
Oh that’s true! I was wondering about this update:
"Added to this (2nd audio) is a creation based on the work of Dr Tennant, with his research into voltages of cells and health.
It uses the advanced healing field to add a charge of -50 millivolts to damaged cells, to push them to repair and reproduce new healthy cells,
all other cells are charged at -25 millivolts to bring bring it to optimal health. "
I felt good listening to it like it do something for me
Sounds awesome!
out of curiosity, will it update the tag as well? :D
Somebody else got problems downloading the file and finding it. Is it in a different format ? I downloaded it twice but can’t find it on my phone ,but I can play it through The browser
I had to download on my pc, then transfer to the phone.
Download Gumroad application
Sounds OP.
Thus we see that chronic disease is always defined as having low voltage. One cannot cure chronic disease without inserting enough electrons to achieve -50 mV. One must also have the raw materials necessary to make new cells and to eliminate the toxins or infections present that will damage the new cells. One can take all the medications you like and do as much surgery as you like, but you will not heal unless you have -50 mV, raw materials and lack of toxins.