Adverse effects from fields, please help

So I’m completely new to morphic fields, began listening to the alchemical revision of trauma/childhood/self love over these few days and have been feeling awful. I’ve had a resurgence of all the negative emotions and past traumas and I’ve been reliving them somewhat. It’s been a couple days since now I just feel very depleted and depressed. I also had this sudden vision of this black orb like thing in my third eye and I’m worried it could be an entity attachment. Maybe I misused the fields as I did listen to them more than once and three fields at a time. Is it a purge? Is it an attachment? Do they just not agree with me? Please please help.


Its normal, all the trauma is coming to the surface for you to let go… Emotional Detox is to be expected

Continue listening as you will feel better soon

These fields can help:


how many times did you listened it? what you have is an emotional detox or a healing crisis

Since you are new to morphic fields, it is advisable not to overuse them, especially if it is your first time with that field. Every time you listen a new one, just play it once and wait a while to feel how it affects you. then you can listen to it more times or loop

You do not have an entity attached because of the field but believing that you have it will make you feel that you have it. so discard that. You will be fine, I recommend rest and maybe some field that will give you peace of mind and support.


Thankyou :pray: do you advise that I continue listening to the ones I’m listening to or should I stop/take a break?

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I would take a break, you have already made a lot of progress for someone new, don’t be in a hurry, it takes a while to adapt especially when doing deep self-work


Okay Thankyou :)

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Hi, @Najew
There is a lovely nuance to finding just the right application of morphic fields for each person. Some require going more slowly, especially where trauma is concerned.

Here is some forum info for you: Info to Guide Your SM Journey

Welcome Blue KY on Lake

Here are some additional images that carry love and healing energy to help you feel more in alignment.

We are here to help, keep us posted on how you are feeling. :slight_smile:


Thankyou I appreciate it :heart:

Besides going slow with them…I’m not sure it is the most advisable to listen to those three at the same time.

Better to do them one at a time, and maybe on different days or even weeks (check out JAAJ's Daily Self Love Stack 2024 🤍).

You could listen to something comforting like grace and comfort on one device, and the revision fields in another one too.

Best of luck.

Oh also, is there anything else I should be doing around this? Or do I passively feel all the emotions rise and hope for them to dissipate by themselves?

There is a whole science around letting go of feelings, body sensations, etc. One of the tools of the Sedona Method is to feel something fully, rather than trying to avoid it. Feel all of the yucky bits of it, and ask yourself:

  1. Could I let this go? (meaning can I, am I capable)
  2. Would I let this go? (meaning am I willing)
  3. When? (implying “Now”)

Another suggestion from sedona method is that engaging our minds in the energy (wanting to “figure it out”) is a delay tactic which prolongs the uncomfortable feelings. Letting go of “wanting to figure it out” can be done the same way. By the way, this is letting go of the “wanting”, which can be counterproductive.


This absolutely works , when coming against any resistance.

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