Advice for healing a facial scar!

I’d recommend reading the thread for that field. People have been reporting detox symptoms, which have been made worse by overplaying that field.

Although I personally have not had any problems with that field, that’s not been the case for everyone. So, go slow and build up from there, according to your own experience.


Did 5 loops the first night I bought it, then yesterday I did like 15 and was a little tired, today however I did 3 and will do 3 more tonight.

Had some sensations here and there I feel it working all over.

I do have a detox but I’m not exhausted, if anything I feel more healthy.

I’d suggest you use it thrice and give it a day to see how you respond.

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Alright thanks!

@Eef anything you have noticed from Plasma Flaunt so far?

It’s only been a day, but it does seem to be working really well and ik looks like it’s going faster now! I will update again in a week or so! :relaxed:

The changes I have seen in just two days are drastic! It’s now been 4 days and my skin has SIGNIFICANTLY brightened, became more elastic, wounds are healing and clearer at such a tremendous speed…

Can only imagine a month from now ;)


Wow, yes I am so excited for how it’s gonna be in a month from now! It really feels very powerful! :grin:

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@Eef what’s your stack now?

I’m listening to some boosters like “ego dissolution” and “subconscious limits remover” and then skin regeneration and plasma flaunt. Before that it used to be smart stem cells, skin scarring and amniotic healing pod instead of Plasma Flaunt. But I feel that I should not also listen to them with the Plasma Flaunt added now. Would be a little too much I guess :sweat_smile:

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Ooh this sounds promising!! Do you think it helps aging skin too?

Plasma Flaunt? I’m sure it has a lot of anti-aging benefits in general.

Remember it is anti-oxidants, plasma, oxygen, stem cells targeted to essentially the entire body…

Yes, it’s Smart and has a specific focus but I have noticed it has an all-around effects on the body nonetheless.


Thank you :pray: I must buy this soon :slight_smile:

Wow! Plasma Flaunt really is insane! The results I’m seeing are amazing!

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Hey Eef :smiley:

That’s so awesome to hear!! What kind of results have you been experiencing? :blush:
I still haven’t purchased the field yet due to finances, but I do hope to do so soon.

It is definitely worth it! I’m seeing my scar healing much faster than it did before I listen to Plasma Flaunt! Basically it is the same results, but it is just going much faster :) Which makes me notice it more I think as well! I don’t know if it is because I really am only focussing on my scar in my mind, that I do not really see much difference at the skin from the rest of my face. But I suspect once the scar has healed it will target other spots!

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That’s amazing to hear! So pleased it’s had such a great effect on your scar :heart::heart:
This definitely makes me want to try it even more, especially if it works much faster :smiley:

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