Advice for kidney pain

Hi, I’ve been having back pain in my left side that looks like it’s my kidney area. I got an ultrasound last month that showed a tiny solid mass of 0.4cm on my left kidney and the doctor told me to follow up in 6 months in case it grows. I don’t know if maybe the pain is related to that. It feels like a dull throbbing pain that comes and goes but lately been pretty constant.
Which kidney videos would be the best for me to use? How many times a day should I be listening to these? and is there such thing as listening too much to them?

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Welcome to the forum!!

Use Kidney and Adrenals. it helped me very quickly!! I also used Plasma Combo 2, but if you don’t have that, the kidney audio still will do the job. Use it 2-3 times (no more than that) everyday until you’re good,


Thank you so much. I’ve started to use the kidney and adrenal one. Do you have a link to the plasma combo 2 video?


You’re very welcome!

The plasma combos are for sale. You can read about them in New Release - Plasma Protocol.

The free version of these is amazing too but it’s obviously not as strong. It’s a general plasma for your whole being whereas the combos target specific areas. try it out here… Plasma Beach

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For me it’s the opposite as I have both, found that the original plasma light works faster then plasma protocol (just my opinion, of course it works different for others)

Tbh all I use is kidney/adrenal, cosmo volt, and plasma, all three are doing me very well