Aesthetics University / Psychic University Gumroad - Discussion/Testimonials

Was meditating to this and was getting some visions too! Not Shiva though. Felt a strong divine being imparting lessons onto me. I was thinking this would be similar to conceptual conglomerate but totally different.

Nice @Psychic_University thank you once again.


I know PU said he didn’t want want to mention this field again after its initial post, but The redox State and the Breaking the 3X has me feeling like my body got an upgrade.

Woke up feeling a lot stronger than I usually do upon waking. Energy doesn’t dwindle and I’m able to loop a lot of audios. My mind is so much more clearer and my confidence is up dramatically.

Also I know the Redox State help’s gastrointestinal issues and breaking the 3x has also helped with my gluten intolerance. I’ve at so many gluten filled items and my stomach is fine and brain fog is nowhere to be found.
@Psychic_University another big thanks man for all of your creations. All of them are worth a fortune.


That Breaking the 3X habit is so important, you can even view it as a field booster cause its gonna help you heal your energy body too


So this field connect us to personalized divine beings and help us learn from them?

What is the Redox State? Is this a different field from 3x?

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redox state is about metabolism and 3x is about adult movie(pmo) addiction


I would assume so I think? Personalized lessons from personalized divine beings? That’s cool, personally I don’t have any divine being that I know of that I am connected well with.

All I can do is trust the divine being imparting lessons to me. Plus I sense nice presence.

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About 3X Tab. I have a feeling this not only cuts etheric cords with entities / actors but also with exes who tied you through sex. @Psychic_University could you elaborate if this could be the case? If true, this side effect alone is worth soooo much more :wink:


haha wow. i actually thought “3x tab habit” was “having too many tabs open in your browser” aka an attention field.

Feeling a little silly haha. really like the field though. Creates focus.


Tried Muscle building field today and I can say it definitely helped me push with more power and endurance than usual, didn’t use any Sapien fields at all just this one only. Great work

Out of respect for PU he did say this on his post in the patreon :

Something everyone was requesting, finally made.

Contains stuff like Higher self revision, reverse the negative effects (mental and physical), healing of obsessions, harmful created patterns, energetic support and treatment and of course cord cutting with the whole thing and actresses & actors

Recover your energy and vitality.

This is the only time I’m talking about this file

So it’s very unlikely you’ll receive a response.


Holy shit how have i missed this comment, been using brain fields from the first day i joined the fourm, and also bought astro intel when it first came out.

In all honsety, i dont really believe in natal charts and things like that, so i think theirs a subcons blockage from getting results from astro intel.

Also, i have a question on lessons from the divine, is it like the other lesson audios you have, were they teach you and show you whats wrong, or does the lessons enter your subconscious mind?

I hope that makes sense

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Yep. This has to be the case with exes as well lol. Works like a charm. PU you da man! :laughing:

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I’ll explain my comments. I did hear rumors about hardcore female energy vampires. Something in the vein of Queen Bilquis (DYOR / watch American Gods, a great visual explanation). Women who feed on men’s energy by creating ties through sex and draining everything by locking onto 1 and 2 chakras. Sometimes this is done to feed their entities they drag along through their bloodline.

So my experience was this: my body and soul tried to avoid the whole thing initially. But the succubus was damn seductive. I won’t go into full details of the nightmare that ensued for me. Suffice to say that this person was literally wearing my energy until recently while dumping negativity into me.

In order to stop the draining I had to use both PU’s Journey Pt. 1 and then - when I understood the leak was still there - had to get Sapien’s custom Yaujta NFT that literally ripped a part of my soul / conscience back to me from that person and started depatterning that thingy inhabiting and driving the lady. Now THAT was a wild ride :laughing:

And it ended with 3X as I felt the connection severed completely. No more obsession with the vampire.


Listening to the “Lessons From the Divine” has such a profound ego dissolution to it… this calmness in my heart resonating with this beautiful being gifting me wisdom through thoughts.

Beautiful meditation experience.


“About 3X Tab. I have a feeling this not only cuts etheric cords with entities / actors but also with exes who tied you through sex”

I agree there is some other levels this one works on. I don’t even like porn, but listened anyways and everytime I get a good clearing…specifically in my left leg/foot.

Wondering if it would work in reverse, if people had access to photos of us and were using it in that sense…


Oh man. I had that thing happen to me. Bonding / binding spells etc. That is bleh :slight_smile:

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Hi, I’m also interested in the fiels Whale Trader. Due to lack of testimonials, I would be so grateful to hear your experiences with the field.


I’ve been using it for months. I can say it helped about timing. But still you have to do work. You still have to get educated about trading.