Aesthetics University / Psychic University Gumroad - Discussion/Testimonials

oh, man! just saw this comment. I checked and none of my Psychic Univ links are in the download section. How come we weren’t warned? or did I miss that message? :slightly_frowning_face:

@Psychic_University Hi PU, Are we able to access our purchased fields on Gumroad or somewhere else even though we got them at the ES site?

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We’d better wait for PU to inform us. Also work or not. So far, he has not spoken.
Patreon also no post about the thing.

Hello. I just bought The Elixir Of Luck and was unaware that there are two individual MP3 files that were included along with an image. Between The Elixir Of Luck and The Luck Elixir Reloaded, is there anything differentiating the files and their effectiveness beyond the difference of the audio length between them?

@Dyst0p14n Reloaded is the new version.


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Thank you for the quick response and explanation. Apologies for not having seen that prior to having bought it.

Edit: I just realized that I bought The Elixir Of Luck on Friday the 13th. The irony. Ha!

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I’m sorry about this. I had no idea this would happen as the links themselves still work fine (the files are still uploaded on the website).

Yes, I plan to offer the files on the Gumroad library for the ones that bought the products on the ES website. I’m still figuring out how I will find time to deal with this, but this is something I want to do. I will probably hire someone to take care of this.

Sammy was generous enough to offer a change to external links until the end of this year / start of the next one, but more than enough space is given here on this thread and on my own section. So I felt like speeding up the clearing of the website, as some of my products were on the index etc.

The Gumroad for the fields that were on the ES marketplace:

And for the ones that can only buy using Paypal, I’m in the process of uploading all fields on the Patreon Store.


That would be so helpful to gather all my fields in gumroad library. I love gumroad its so easy to use.


do you have planets in 1st house ?

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Are these fields that have been paid at ES shop still working legally? If we lose files in the future, how to download them again? Can you send the download links from gumroad? I can provide you with the order number from ES shop.


The Expanse is indeed amazing. I’m so impressed with all PU fields! The results are so dramatic and fast! I plan to get them all eventually.


How often do you listen?

Every morning like 5-10x.


Do u use the Sigil?

Thanks so much! This is great to hear.


Huh? There’s a sigil for The Expanse?

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’The Expanse’ is designed to expand and develop your energy system with the focus of increasing your field usage capability (total amount).

Audio only.

Note: Correction made - sigil was added


Thanks. That’s what I thought.


Underrated field man. I can say this upgraded my energy system in a great way. My fields potency went up dramatically after a week and a half use of this.

I feel my fields working more potently and quickly. Like I’ve literally gone through all my old ones as well just to feel the feeling of the effects I couldn’t feel before.

If you don’t have this I advise everyone to get this in their arsenal. You’re actually trolling if you don’t. Too much of an essential to pass it up. I literally don’t even need boosters at the moment. Everything is so instantaneous and lethal i feel no need them.


Have you noticed any side effects?

Aside from your nervous system getting use to the new level it’s at not really. You’ll probably be a little fatigued or sleepy if you’ve listened too much. But still just try the 2-3x beginners recommendation and gauge it off that.