Aesthetics University / Psychic University Gumroad - Discussion/Testimonials

One thing I noticed is it’s definitely a mindset issue. I was listening to gratitude field by Sapien but for some reason it didn’t work at all for me because I suspected there was some blockages or some form of trauma that was blocking me from experiencing gratitude.

So when PU released his remove gratitude blockage and I listened to it consistently, it is when Sapien’s gratitude field starts to work. It’s very interesting, whenever I don’t get results from a specific field I wonder if there is some form of mindset issue or blockage within me and I try to fix that.


Yes. But also, I know my natural baseline of life progressment speed.
And so if this baseline does not change even in the slightest, then the field had no affect onto my life, regardless of how subtle it has been working in the background.

This is what I did today with Luck Elixir Reloaded and wrote about the occurred and non-occurred changed.


Does anyone have information about Scorching Sanitizer?

100% l’ve had many experiences in my life that didn’t go the way that l wanted. But then somthing better would come. Unfortunately, sometimes you don’t realize this until years later


I know what you mean.
But then my inner sceptic would always say: “But what much better would have been able to come instead of THIS?”

We don’t know all the possible timelines and outcomes.
So just because, we switched from a less good timelines to a nicer timlines in the longterm, does not mean that there aren’t timelines out there that are even a Million times nicer…
And that we could not have switched to them much earlier…

As an idealist I am always chasing after the best, so these types of questions are always in the back of my mind.

“Is that really it?”
“Is that all there is to this?”
“No way this can be it, I’ve seen Millions of other people already who are experiencing better, therefore this can’t be it.”
“I will not rest in this mediocrity.”
“I will not accept this when I know there is much better out there.”
“I will not allow myself to be fobbed off with these trivial things.”


With an infinite realities, there will always be a reality that seems better. You will be constantly chasing for something better and have limited enjoyment of your experiences.

A person may want to be rich and famous, but then attract horrible relationships. So then they wish for good people, but then they realize that maintaining fame and good relations is very difficult so they want to change their life. And it’ll keep going this way, they will always want more



It can help you manifest more luck in general and make luck tools stronger and more efficient.

Personally, I think the field (Elixir of Luck) is very strong and definitely working, but the luck manifested can sometimes be subtly working in the background or be too disruptive. Blockages can be also be a thing here.


Thank you.
I will try “Elixir of Luck” now.
Is it safe / recommended to use alongside with “Luck Elixir Reloaded”?
Or better only use one of these at a time?

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Please Reveal Your Full Audio Stack that You Use with the Ultimate Integration Tool Audio for Improving Your Confidence Brother.


Okay, but it’s long bro. Lmfao. Keep in mind I have been using some of these for like maybe over a year already. But this is the current playlist. (A little trick I like to do is play a song that really makes me feel super confident and feel myself simultaneously wit the field. Shit works SO well) I been really active on social media, but also in real life too. Lol. Also, there would be days when I choose one of those audios and just spam it for like hours upon hours. lmao

  • Extreme Self Confidence by SM x’s 1
  • Charisma and Glamour by SM x’s 1
  • Quadible Supernatural Masculine Charm x’s 1
  • Quadible Alpha Male Magnetism x’s 1
  • Clever like a triple Gemini (Spam! This one works super super well lmfao)
  • Purity of a Triple Aries (This one really helps me out alot. I feel like it’s a permanent Childlike wonder that makes me take goofy pics, and be goofy in real life. Not to mention pure like, and fun. People love to be around me)
  • Compassion of triple Cancer (This was the last PU one I had bought, because I have cut off 4 close everyday bff’s (All in the last couple of months or year lol) because I felt they didn’t live up to my standard, which I would fully respect had it been vice versa and wouldn’t lose sleep if they cutted me off, unless I was in the wrong. Then I will apologize. Everyone loves that about me. But if I felt disrespected by someone very dear to me, a ‘best friend’ turns into a quick “enemy” witout a second thought. So I hope this one well help me understand people better, and not be so quick to rise in anger. Compassion is also needed in communication and relationships imo
  • Mindset of Abundance from SM - I swear bro! This one is awesome. I have rejected alot of girls, but I have gotten rejected by girls now too due to my unlimited high energy (I literally be the only one who ain’t drunk in 2 o’ clock in the morning, still manic as can be. K.G. said, "You never run outta energy lol. It’s so weird. Introverted people need me in doses, cuz I drain them with my personality lol. But they still want to be around me, just not all the time lol. Oh well) and always wanting to be extroverted lol. As a kid, I was more of the quiet one, and because of that I never got rejected when I was young. But I started to meditate and use fields and subliminals, and now I done literally became manic lol. And also, I also get into my ego sometimes when I get pissed. But lately even the girls that had rejected me (But initial attraction was there) , and we ain’t talked in months been watching my stories and tryna talk to me again. Lol. Like if a girl rejects me bro, I still know I am good lookin. Doesn’t deter nothing and I keeps it moving. lol. There been times when I had done got rejected at one spot and went to another spot and got a number just to prove it to my ego and didn’t even call. Lol. I have shot alot of my bros on this forum ss of girls simpin for me. :laughing: But that being said, everyone gets rejected. Even the best lookin guy in the world gets rejected. But I notice I’m getting get more and more resilient everytime it happens. I remember the other night I was at a club called “Standard”, My bro @King_A seen some of my snaps. Lmfaooooo. When someone pisses me off, I just cut them off. I don’t care how good they look. But so many girls was tryna get around me, but I was vibing and dancing by my lonesome, just enjoying everyone seeing how good I dance. And I not once did I care or feel nervous. Lmfao. Thank heavens for fields and subs! But I loved being the guy that the pretty girls be thirsting for, but can’t have. Lol. I’m picky as fuck now lol
    :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :rofl: I also had a crazy experience two weeks ago, but ended up going into a random Karaoke bar like I owned the place by myself. Cuz two ex-close besties I had cut off, had ditched my ass and tried to make excuses. I told them some fucked up things lol. I burnt them bridges. Lmfao. But yeah bro! NOTHING GETS UNDER MY SKIN ANYMORE. So cultivating a mind of abundance is essential! There are plenty of fish in the sea, remember that! Once you figure this out, you take over the WORLD! Lmfao. Real speak.
  • Bright like a Triple Leo
  • Potion # 33
  • Become Whole
  • Subconscious limits dissolver from PU
  • Kapelsu - Confidence subliminal
  • Brain fields and brain subs from Moza (She’s got two that I use and they work well!!) They work synergistically wit everything else

Extra note: Bro, from all my experience, make sure you get your looks right first, because that is what people see first. (Which is not a problem for us, cuz subs literally gave me all the small details I be looking for bro, like a longer nose, smaller Iliuim bone, or thicker eyebrows and etc.) The 3d can be very judgmental, you know this. Then, I would say… Me forming the personality that I have right now was one of the best things that I coulda ever done for myself. There’s TONS of good looking guys out there, so it’s not realistic to think we the only ones who look good out there. Cuz we not. So we need to set ourselves apart from the rest. Looks are just the steppin stone that sparks initial interest/physical attraction, but to keep it you will need to bring more to the table. So adding dance skills, tatting skills, drawing skills, or whatever else you’re into, and couple that with getting used to having fun and socializing. Start small wit the saying “hello” to everyone. Get used to locking eyes wit a pretty girl. Start raking up experiences so you can story tell, and this is an area I EXCEL AT! It’s extremely effective. I read and watch alot of stuff on just socializing and body language as well though too. And use fields/subs while exposing yourself to situations where you usually would be nervous. Start rewiring the subconscious mind. At first it can feel daunting guys, but really should be only the first couple of times. FORCE yourself against the “Flight-or-flight” feeling. It’s the only way to make lasting changes. I swear if I just did this sooner with the meetup events, it wouldn’t have taken over a year to get FULLY confident lol. I also couldn’t give two fucks if someone likes me or not. (Actually, since I was young lol) But one thing I will always make sure is I get my respect. First and foremost. I ALWAYS GET MY RESPECT. No matter where I go. Be it alone or wit others. But I stay kind if I am respected. Happy Sunday to all!

*Edited (So many misspellings lol)


Sorry to give such statement if it’s based on wrong assumption, but given your considerable number of fields, maybe you are already at max potential for say amount of effect that isn’t challenging to handle due to its sheer potency?

I mean something wonderful can happen, but it would be so out of line with your current reality that it might be perceived by your subconscious as undesireable and is thus delayed until it is more internalised and accepted. Do you consider it as a possibility?

Now, I can’t easily recommed something that isn’t already in your stack probably, given my exerience in this area.


Thank You brother for your detailed reply. One question though, the Mindset of Abundance audio that you spoke about, does it belong to SM or Psychic University ?

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No worries brother. I’m speaking a the one from SM. Just be patient and stay dedicated my bro. Use them without fail day in and day out, witout thought. I swear bro, it maybe took me close to 2 years. Or maybe a year and a half. But as I was saying, had I just made some minor changes as far as implementing just a couple a social events into my regimen, results would have been a looooot sooner lol


I don’t know how You listen to fields.
Your list is super long. So maybe You don’t put your attention while playing fields?.

I have shorter and pretty chaotic playlist but when i really want something very bad i get very ritualistic.

For example when i listen to manifesting,luck field i sit in comfortable position, drink some matcha or other liquid :tea::cocktail:🧋 :wink:, light up the candles, revitalises air before or go for a nice walk before listening and relax as much as can while visualise at the same time.

I got me almost everything i ask for.
I personally believie that my effort helps me to boost results

Almost …cause nothing even the best Field can not give You guarantee for all desired results…

My little advice.



In my opinion, one of the most effective things an individual can do to manifest their dreams.

Notice how the field on patreon to use before wealth and abundance playlists is called ‘The Ritual of Prosperity and Abundance’ :slightly_smiling_face:


I learned something today, wow.

I guess I will stick with my making coffee ritual while playing your ritual of prosperity and abundance, by the way thanks for making your fields with a range of 2.5m, it makes making coffee possible as the materials and cooker are located a bit far away from each other.


@Maoshan_Wanderer if u don’t mind me asking how are u doing with speed up results?

Anyone can answer


I added it at the beginning of my workout stack and healing stack.

I already get very quick results, and can tune into fields… so probably I am not the right person to offer a testimonial.


When does the sale start? I can’t wait :joy: