Not all maps are reliable - - - History Thread - The Many Manly Men of History, War and Civilizations

Thank You :blue_heart:


happpyy birthday


Thank You my friend!

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Happy Birthday Gamiro! :gift:


Thank You Mr JAAJ!


Between the Vth century A.D. and Present time, a lot of changes happened in this world, and in Afroeurasia, it all started with the decline and fall of The Roman Empire.
Before it’s Western part collapsed, federations of tribes were invited by the Empire, to settle some of its lands, in exchange for military service - that was a preview to what would happen in the following millenia, a new form of contract was born, and a new type of allies, called Foederati, which were people who were bound by a contract with Rome (we can argue that this was the beginning of feudalism in Europe or at least a predecessor).

The Empire was dying, it’s economy weaker, it’s military no longer as mighty as it was, loyalty became just a word, internal division, civil wars, different factions, religious turmoil, external threats unlike anything seen before, like Attila the Hun and it’s ambition to crush Rome and Conquer Europe, and in the resulting chaos and due to other reasons, a huge migratory wave began, the Empire having to deal with countless tribes, who were searching for a better life.

In the Iberian Peninsula, things were changing…

A small documentary/pesentation about the Kingdom of the Suebi and below a fun video, showing how their Germanic language sounded (compared to German and English) (it was very beautiful):

So, were the Ottomans Actually Roman?

Watch the video, then be the judge.

Also, a poll, for you fine people, to cast your righteous judgment:


  • Ottomans were clearly Roman.
  • Germany was a New Rome, at least the Holy Roman Empire
  • Russia was a New Rome, they inherited their Religion, Culture and Imperialism and their leaders married with a Roman Dynasty
  • România is the true heir. :joy:
  • Rome lives in our hearts, it never fell.
  • America is the New Rome
  • France was the inheritor.
  • Spain Inherited the claim to the Imperial Throne.
  • Great Britain Was the New Rome.
  • Whole Europe and others are the inheritors.
  • There was only one Rome, the rest are only fans and wanna be romans.
  • The Pope still exists and has more than a Billion followers, Rome still reigns.

0 voters

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Lol, Great Maps.
Thanks for Sharing.

Also, I forgot to include Italy as an option. :sob:

Lol, well, we all know Italians are descendants anyway.

The Italian Empire was Canon but bad as the Star Wars sequels :rofl::rofl:

Funny enough, Borgia dinasty (They were Spaniards i think) had a plan to defeat and dominate the Comuni and unify the peninsula under their dominion in early 1500s but it didn’t work out, as the Pope died and they lost the influence and military might of the State of The Church

An early unification compared to when it did really happened in History (1861) could have been interesting

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Who knows how much things would have changed if they have succeeded.
Maybe they would have created a colonial empire too, or even expand their borders in the neighboring regions, although both would have been highly unlikely.

Any colonial ambitions would have been blocked thanks to the Ottoman expansion and domination of Eastern Mediterranean region(s), I mean, the Ottomans crushed the Mamluks, conquered North Africa, conquered the Balkans and beyond and expanded further south in the Arabian peninsula and even further west, Italy wouldn’t have been able to mess with the Sultan, nor with France, who was a Mighty Kingdom, nor with any other big power, But Italy would have had a Great time anyway, as they were EXTREMELY Rich (first banks of Europe) while separated, but united as one, nobody would have messed with them, that’s for sure.

I have in plan to study the Borgias too, and the Medici and Other Dinasties and powers, I want to know much more, since I only have an overall picture of the history of Europe, with very few in depth info.

Also, since i have mentioned the Ottomans, I need to post this in this thread too:


If the Ottomans haven’t blocked the Europeans to get cheap(er) goods, European powers would still have relied on their supply, and they wouldn’t have had to search for an alternative to the Silk Road(s)/Trade, which was owned by the Ottomans (in the Western areas of the renowned road), and Spain and Portugal wouldn’t have had to search for a new way to India/The East, and they wouldn’t have discovered the New World, nor colonize it.

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I fall into the Rome as an idea camp—the main aspects being that there is a civic life, people can better their station through opportunities offered by the state, and that these stations were such that the rulers or governments powers were not absolute.

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That’s an interesting thought (which I like and agree with myself), after all, with time, things become less tangible and more intangibles, Ideas, Myths, Ideals, Paradigms, etc.

Rome is quite a unique case, maybe not so unique since it can apply to many things or anything really, but it’s interesting to see such a great range of possibilities, since for historians and fir anyone really, Rome can mean and it means one or many things.

When you try explain why Rome matters—all the technology has been globally distributed and surpassed long ago, so the aqueducts, marvels of ancient engineering that they were are no longer important as means of delivering water, but they are reminders that the legitimacy state is not simply a matter of possessing a monopoly on violence, but depends on delivering the amenities of life that technology provides. The aqueducts have passed into history.

And this is true about most aspects people obsess over. What’s important about the Roman Empire is that it managed to preserve some of the ideas/ideals of the Roman Republic. Where it failed, the names and words associated with that failure are synonyms for a debasement of human spirit—Nero, Caligula, praetorian, bread and circus, etc.

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It’s time to get REAL And leave the (un)safe roads of Rome to discuss/for the last of the Barbarians: The Vikings!!!

Beard Wearing, Pagan, Barbarian Scum!! :grinning:
And they navigated pretty much everywhere, established economic exchanges with anyone and pillaged and conquered Everything In their Sight!!

Before YOLO Was ROLLO!!

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Is there a way to like the tittle specifically??
“Before YOLO was ROLLO” :fountain_pen:

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You just showed the title, the love it deserves. :grin:

Now, it can pass away peacefully, knowing it was Loved (it will always remain in our memories) and a new title will arise, to take its rightful place.

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That we can fully agree on.

Long live Rome and the Western Civilization!

Spoilers about the Vikings series

It has filled me with so much pleasure and satisfaction seeing all those Vikings being killed off by the Frankish Empire in the Vikings series :relieved:

I experienced even more satisfation when terrorist Ragnar Lodbrok was thrown into that snake pit to die a small meaningless death, exactly like he deserved for all of his crimes.


Well, they brought some huge changes throughout Europe, from Britannia and Francia, all the way to the lands of the Slavs (They helped establish Russia and Ukraine, or rather their predecessors, Kievan Rus’) and even Italia (Norman Sicily) and Eastern Rome (Grikkland, the Varangian name).

They served as mercenaries, they established trade routes and even helped create or consolidate new states, so they weren’t the end of the world, and they helped things (to) not remain stale. :rofl:

YET, they were far from the level of civilization that was already established in the Frankish Realm or in most lands they pillaged and terrorized, for that matter (at least the western ones were more civilized) (oops, and Obviously Byzantium was waaay above their level of civilization).

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