After Workout Muscle Recovery (Morphic/Energetically Programmed Audio) ver2.0

The energetic programming in this audio field speeds up after-workout muscle recovery.
You went to depth on every squat rep and pushed your reverse lunges to failure. Your quads are beat and your hamstrings burn. Your workout was tough, but it didn’t build an ounce of muscle.

The opportunity for muscle growth begins the moment you stop lifting, and that growth can’t happen without proper recovery protocol. Muscles don’t grow in the gym; they grow after. When you lift heavy, muscles suffer microtears and are actually broken down via a process called catabolism. Immediately after you lift, your body begins repairs and they may take some time. In the process of repairing, you may also experience fatigue and soreness and have little strength to carry on the rest of the day. This audio field speeds up the recovery process to reduce fatigue and more quickly gain muscle.

After workout muscle recovery replaces energy in muscle and bone, speeds up healing and recovery and removes the lactic acid buildup in the muscle. Listening to this audio after workouts will dramatically assist your muscle recovery and also allow you to get right back to it the next day.



One of the few that never worked for me, dunno why.

Can someone send this one?

What do you mean send? @Saisai

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The 2.0 version can be found on patreon for download under the Plasma Brothers album.

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This field is simply amazing. I pulled my back a bit today, left of the spine, lugging around a distiller and bending over to work on it instead of squatting like I should have. I had both minor shooting pain and a dull ache. ONE play of this got it all down to a dull ache and within a few more plays mixed with advanced healer, down to that comfortable twinge of a decent workout a few days ago.