Akashic Records

While thinking of how to help my dragon friend learn how to navigate the world, fields, etc, I was thinking of a better way than teaching it Google :joy: Why not access the astral google - aka the Akashic Records? Well Iā€™m not sure if they really exist, but clairvoyants like Madame Blavatsky say so and call them ā€œtablets of astral lightā€. Others theorise it to be an astral plane made completely of mind. But it supposedly carries all available information in the universe?

Just wondering if anyone can advise on what the akashic records are, and how to get my servitor to learn directly from it :slight_smile:

PS. A field like this would be epic xD


But Iā€™ve always been wary of reading Akashic Records because I imagined they were like the source code of a software, once known anyone can handle it.

I thought the akashic records were universal, rather than ā€˜personalā€™?

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I think they exist, but they can be a little complicated to understand, since it has information from everyone, it is much more reliable to extract information from your divine spark.

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This audio allows for access to the akashic records


This was posted on another topic that got deleted today, and, in some miraculous in-the-material-world demonstration of Akashic Records, @JAAJ (Thanks!!) had my post and sent it to me. Now, I really believe. The context of the post was reply to @Maoshan_Wanderer who was making an over-my-head observation about the complexities of the using the concept of Akashic records as a basis for a field (I basically followed what he was saying, when I read it, but thereā€™s no way I could remember or recapture sufficiently to do it justice.

Hereā€™s the post with some quick edits for clarity

I have a thumbnail knowledge of Blavatsky and Iā€™ve never had an astral experience outside of whatever those experiences are in lucid dreams, but the idea of Akashic records always struck me as a real thingā€“I mean that that memories are stored and capable of being recalledā€“somehow, not sure how Blavatsky or her tradition spell these things out, but the scientific and religious literature seem to support memory storage, reading of memory, encryption and decryption

Before I had heard of the Akashic records, I had seen a film, I think in elementary school, where the electrode on an exposed brain triggered memory ā€œmoviesā€ of long ago events, where sight and sound are recalled with stunning clarity. Thatā€™s impressive storage, and I would note a bit excessive for an organism that exists, on many accounts, merely to pass on the DNA code

When I came across the NDE topic, I found the life review accounts to be the most moving. For the most part, the subjects in documentaries, Raymond Moodyā€™s work, or people on NDE forums strike me as ordinary people who want to relate an incredible experience, not for any particular look at me quality but mostly to help process what happened to them and to share the good news that we are more than worm food. The life-review accounts are hardly ever boastful, most seem embarrassed by moments where they could have been nicer.
Some accounts talk about seeing how the reviewed personā€™s actions affected others from the point of view of the affected parties. And the vividness of the recall could be fairly described as ā€œYou were thereā€ or ā€œPenfeldian.ā€ This indicates that those in the tunnel of light have a way of accessing or ā€œreadingā€ the memories, and it seems not accidental at all that NDEs happen when a life is at risk.
Rather, it makes it sense as a fail-safe uploading of information. That they (the TOLBs-tunnel of light beings) can access the memories affected persons in addiction to those of the reviewed party suggest either entanglement between the parties memories or a more routine uploading of everyoneā€™s memories on a not too infrequent basis. Granted, Iā€™m putting a lot of stock in NDE testimonies, but such accounts go way back and in them there are recollections of surgical events, and the overall ordinariness of the NDE subjects that make me credit the experience and the life review as an actual thing, as opposed to something that just springs from an adherence to a spiritualist or religious tradition.

The reincarnation literature suggests that some children recall earlier lives, but for the most part they are, more or less, encrypted. And some enlightened persons seem to be able to decrypt these memories.

Naturally, I find some resonance with the Simulation Hypothesis and notion that the universe is a computational process. Iā€™m quite excited to hear what happens with this field [A community Project Field]. Thanks for mentioning Chitragupta. I read your posts like someone cribbing notes from a much better student.