Akashic Recordss

is there a field where you get back all stolen Akashic Records?
from any source as for fields

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The Soul Restoration series can have this effect energetically.

Smart cord cutter maybe.

And I do have a Lucid Dreamscapes - Akashic Records water charger on my Ko-Fi. You charge the water and drink before sleep or meditation.


TBH quite a few of the crystal fields will help with this. Use all the crystal fields you can! It’s like getting to eat a box of green candy, and a box of blue candy, and a box of yellow candy, and never getting sick! The more crystals the better!


i think you have caladrius water charger, right ? i have democreations servitor, trying someething similar besides Akashic Records

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I do. What’s the democreations servitor?

The Immortal Caladrius i have, still i need to work with it and learn more how to
could this caladriues still be a water, the one i have?

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Yeah it’s the same being. You can share energies with him or ask him to channel it in various ways.

i also have the thirteenth skull and the goddess as servitors, but still i to learn how to
as for water caladrius chargin is there a store availability, like venly but another alternative

i also have the thirteenth skull and the goddess as servitors, but still i to learn how to
as for water caladrius chargin is there a store availability, like venly but another alternative .

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perhaps just the image and the audio , but talking to it as if im talking to someone directly to him i guess


I have more stuff there.

I just tested the Lightstream with a flashlight on a friend. It carries the energy excellently. If you do the $11.11 subscription you get all the water chargers, and if you do the $33.33 subscription you get the energy spells - overseen by Caladrius but a lot more powerful than Caladrius by himself. Any of the automated energy work here can be accessed on this level by simply grasping your Lightstream item and speaking the command.

Would love to get a copy of The 13th Skull someday.