All in 1 of my art ideas - Artwork Ideas for future possible field items for Dream to use on Sapien Shop

Pour le plaisir (unforgettable historical moment):

Aucun souci :) Cette histoire de voix est peut-être due à ce que tu avais dit à propos d’un certain changement de personnalité quand tu parles différentes langues :)

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Photographic Memory v1.0

Superhuman Genius (NR2B) x Gamma x Eidetic Memory, Videographic/Audiographic Memory,- Total Recall etc.


@Captain_Nemo @SammyG

please consider for Sapien Shop

I can help provide information for the morphic programming energy imbued on the item if needed Dream! :blue_heart:

Previous studies by Tully and Jerry Yin have shown that boosting the expression level in the fly brain of a gene called CREB provides flies a form of photographic memory. Preliminary research now indicates that drugs which boost the expression level of the mouse CREB gene can improve memory in mice. Human memory, particularly in patient’s with Alzheimer’s disease, may well be improved by the same kind of drug.,a%20form%20of%20photographic%20memory.

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Lucid Dreaming Field Item - Artwork

#inceptionofyourluciddreaming #nomorecountingyourfingersagain


I have another idea for you (and Dream if he is watching)…

A tag featuring the Death tarot card.

Could have fields like Ego Dissolution + Subconscious Limits Removal + Timelessness

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**Bruce Lee Redux Unbeatable Martial Arts Master Legend programming ** :dragon: @GianLee




A tablet a day, and what I could do with my day was Limitless.” ~ Eddie Morra


A great work of art !!! I will download it, thank you very much brother !!!:muscle:t3::muscle:t3::muscle:t3:


You could make mandala series too, like rod of archangel Raphael,lance of archangel Michael etc etc


All of the dogtag are beautiful


Congratulations is what I was asking!

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omg, although I don’t really like the design (sorry) the idea of Thanos field is just blowing my mind (huge Thanos fan here). Would be great to see how Darkseid field would potentially look as well.

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It’s alright man I’m glad you liked it despite the imbonity or absence of good qualities in the art haha!

Thanos is the best. Well after God Emperor Doom and Bleeding Edge Superior Iron Man that is :sunglasses:.

But yeah man I’m really limited as to the artwork, because as Dream explained in a previous post, copyright issues being rabulistic or characterized by legal trickery and all, is that the joker in the pack factor when customizing or using designs to make any artwork.

I had a plethora of Thanos images to choose from but then with the faute de mieux of commerical content creation becomes a marplot for the artwork. I too had better designs and personal preferences in mind when creating, but then again have to have to consider externalities.

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MIB Neuralizer :Completely Erase Unwanted Memories Permanently- +Akashic Records **
+ Amygdala Release + Etheric Cord Cutter/Soul Restoration + Entity Removal

For any pornography recovery addicts, victims of traumatic experience and memories, PTSD, abuse,etc. No more relapsing, no more self-sabotage, no fear for tomorrow because of yesterday!

This is invaluable.
Would be best to pair with SLR + CM Supergenius enhancement

Support if you can.



Yes I plan to have a Shopify for the artwork but my aim is to help with and whoever I can for Sapien Medicine Community, and give back all. It’s the least I can do for Dream and Sammy.

But yes hopefully we can get these concepts programmed!!

Thank you Noah


Vocal Range Expander

Musical Genius:Unlimited Creativity, Lung Capacity, Glory

@Captain_Nemo christimas gift for sapien shop? Singing my christmas carols like the king himself haha. #QUEEN

#worldfamoussinger #greatestofall #grammyseveryyear


Bodybuilding Legend - (Muscle Stud + Ultimate Alpha Male Pheromones + Ultimate Male Enhancement and Glory)


@GoddessesAndGod Go and get that 10x Mr.Olympia now brother!


Photosynthesis Redux

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:rofl: ultimate male enhancement and glory haha I love it!