Alzheimers Disease Help With New Brain Fields 2023

As I search the forum I have noticed many new brain fileds by @Dr_Manhattan. My father in law has recently been diagnosed with Alzheimers and I would really like to help his situation. My initial thoughts were to use plasma brain of youth, brain work, enhanced brain connectivity and the alzheimers field but there seems to be many more brain fields released since then.
Could someone please advise me on what new field/fields would be best.
If needs be I will purchase however many fields he may need.
@Dr_Manhattan you might be best qualified to advise me on this if you could be so kind.


Seen it, bump this later


Bump Thank you Doc.





Thank you. I came across this post while researching and I thought to myself, I better ask just to be sure that a new release has not been made since then that could also be beneficial. Thank you for your help.
One of the tests he received was to check his carotenoids levels and they were in the low 100’s whereas the level should be in the 400’s. I found it to be quite interesting that carotenoids seem to play a factor. It plays a factor in his excessive blinking and discomfort with light and it seems this was ( besides the memory issues and so on) the reason his specialist done these specific tests for him.

Thank you for your help.
8k res, drops of memory, alzheimers field and plasma brain it is. I will also add the astaxanthin field for the carotenoids affect.




You might also want to look at GPLD1 and the ISIRB/RMB3 fields. Both have dementia reversal properties.

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Plasma brain of youth as well, right? That is if you’re willing to pay for fields.

Considering it’s a two-fer with smart stem cells it’s an excellent deal.

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