Am I doing it wrong?

Hello everyone, I discovered Sapien 2 days ago on Twitter and since then I’ve created a playlist which I try and listen to 2 times a day. The playlist I’ve made has the videos listed below:

  1. Acne Treatment
  2. BDNF
  3. The Height Booster
  4. Butt Enlargement
  5. Stop Procrastinating Energy Frequency
  6. Facelift and Facial Toning Treatment
  7. The Lip Plumper
  8. Superhuman Genius
  9. Hormone Regulation
  10. The Testosterone Boost
  11. Androstenol
  12. DHT

I would like to know if I’m doing it right. Am I listening to too many of the audios? Height booster one is just crazy, I can literally feel my body stretching while I listen to it and I’m pretty sure I’m taller, just in 2 days!!!

I’m worried that by listening to all of the above one after the other weakens their effect.
I am tall, I thought adding a couple more CM would be good.
Both my butt and lips are pretty good too, I get compliments.
Should I stop listening to height, butt and lip ones? Thank you.

Hi Aiko, I think your list is pretty long.First of all your should set priorities.Is your priority health,physical appearance or skills? I would recommend to start with only few,see first how they work and then add some one by one.
And your list also makes me think that you are not satisfied with yoursrelf but maybe i am wrong.But maybe it is something you should work on


Hey, thank you for your reply.

Since when corona hit I’ve been feeling pretty bad, haven’t been at the gym in a long time and working out at home isn’t helping, I made the list based on what I used to do when I could.

Acne treatment, using that instead of the anti acne cream I was using.
Height booster, not sure why I’m using this, I’m 182CM tall, satisfied with that.
Butt enlargement, hormone regulation, androstenol, testosterone boost making up for not going to the gym and diet change.
Superhuman genius to maybe help with my ADHD. Being isolated makes me go crazy.
Lip plumper and facelift are in the list because I thought I’d try those.
Stop procrastinating to go out of this weird mode I’ve been in since when I locked myself in the house.

With that being said, I will change my list and only concentrate on one thing at a time, try it for a week, if it works in a week and I see that I don’t need it anymore I will move to something else, if it doesn’t in a week I will continue for another week.

I also thought Sapien Medicine is a one in a lifetime opportunity not everyone has, I am still shocked that these work, for that reason I’m being greedy. I’m glad I found SM.

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Thank you for the advice. I appreciate it.

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