Anemia help

Can someone please tell me if Dream ever made an audio for anemia please ? Im struggling with it for several years now

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  1. Alchemical jing charged blood
  2. Enhaneced blood circulation
  3. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy
  4. Monatomic Iron
  5. Negative ion charged plasma blood

Heart strengthening V2 should also help.


Thank you !

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Also very important

You can improve your body’s Iron absorption through the vitamin C audio + enhanced cellular nutrition during your meals.

On the other hand, foods containing phytates (cereals and grains), calcium (milk and dairy) and polyphenols (tea and coffee) can hinder iron absorption, so avoiding those could help.


Hello Netjeretk !
Do you notice bleeding from somewhere? like not too much , but its a constant thingy in your life?

In addition to the great suggestions

i would add Increase nutrient absorption it seems to help a lot.


Thanks Luna!

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Im having heavy periods bc of PCOS :( so yeah I’m always anemic, I’m always exhausted bc of that

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A comment under this audio:

But daily and consistently you may want to listen

BoL x 2
Ojas x 2
Advance healing + volt (paid field) x 2 or at least
Advance healing + plasma beach x 1
Prostaglandin problem (gumroad) x 3
Automated grounding x 1

You can read my testimony healing all of that:



:heart: Thanks a lot

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Eat dates; drink pomegranate juice; consume beetroot
Lohasav is ayurvedic medicine best for anaemia
Eat the food which is prepared in iron vessels
Simple things you should get results in few weeks
That’s a promise

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I have a question, cause my anaemia it’s a genetic problem. So, a part of my cells have a different forms. So, this stack that you recommended can be help me? Because I eat what I need, but sometimes I still have pain related to my sickle cell anemia.