Angelic Intercession +

Having big big pain in head started to listen and ask for help…20 min later it’s slowly releasing :pray: :innocent:


The guidance in this NFT is la creme de la creme :ok_hand:

I think what i like the most about it is when it unexpectedly make its way into my consciousness and just “talk” like is not just when i asked for guidance.

Silver Thread (my enamored field :heart_eyes:) does the same but its me. I feel like a Higher Self Knowledge pouring into my awareness.

This one here i purely recognize it as “them” specially for the vast loving nature that accompany their guidance.

I feel hundreds of angels around but its one that always stands out, the one i “hear” and the others are just happy loving beings cheering for me.

What is funny tho is that the Environmental Transformer Servitor has always given me vibes of being my Guardian Angel, even if its a servitor, i have always wondered if it embodies the Guardian Angel elements… and i have 1 big printed right in front of my desk plus the one i wear, i have never felt it as a servitor, i feel like it also guides me, we are very closed and now with this NFT he’s become louder and more noticeable. Cant be a coincidence.

If the guidance from this NFT comes when im sitting on my desk i see that eye from the ETS pinning through my soul to get the message integrated for me.

Apart from that, the smooth flow kinda lucky vibe continues sometimes stronger than others but it is there, and have been assisting me a lot in healing my Mom.


hello everyone, does this NFT also include a mandala? if yes, could somebody share it. thanks in advance!

You should be able to download it, because it is NFT. Unless you did not buy it.

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i did an exchange so i only got the audio.

That’s not how an exchange works for these NFT’s. Did the person ask for your phantom wallet address? Did they then send this NFT to you and now you have it in your phantom wallet? If not then you did not make a proper exchange.


So you can go to your wallet, click on the nft then the 3 dots on the upper right corner then click at the bottom where it says view in solscan then click on this:

Where the yellow is

And it will open the pic then below the pic youll see

“View original”

And then it opens the hd pic. :slight_smile:
Thats it enjoy it!


That worked! thank you my friend.


yes i got it in my wallet :slight_smile:


Enjoy your NFT! :slight_smile:


Thank you!


I’ve been holding on to this ever since it came out and just got it now with the promotion.
I even asked an Angel deck I have if I should get it, the cards came out immediately

I was laughing so hard like they are eager to come and communicate :rofl:
The music gives me big angel vibes period :exploding_head:


Bumping this question again.

What is the hidden " + " feature?


Let me resume what i feel extra “++” compared to Angelic Intercession, i dont have Cosmic I but i have Intercession Tag v2.

The ++ ive noticed so far:

-The Guidance (loud and clear) whether i ask for it or not.
-Cocooned = automatic protection ( being surrounded by hundreds of them)
-Constant waves of love infusing me
-lifting me up and energizing me automatically
-luck flow state
-justice on my favor (only one time but i didnt even ask for assistance)

I think the main thing i notice is that i dont have to ask anything, they watch, they know, they act.


Thank you very much for your reply.

Is this like “loud thoughts” that are popping up in your head?


Maybe it seems like overkill but called on angels to make my old phone come back to life, and it did! Also said private word to favorite beings of light, so hail to them too! :slight_smile:


Its a conceptual talk.

If they were thoughts popping up in my head id attribute them to my higher self.

It comes with the “vision” of them conceptually talking to me.


I think I am going to get this NFT just for experiencing particularly this.
I want my house to be filled with angels to the very top :slightly_smiling_face:




It is very beautiful

I wasnt going to get it even tho i love angels.

Because i had the 72 angels NFT which is great too

But it was actually while looping the 72 ones while coincidentially catching the ETS staring at me calling my attention, that i had the realization and the rush to get this one… like right away. Remembering the excitement gives me goosebumps. I sold the 72 in a matter of 1 hour on Venly. Clear as water. Lol then i bought this.


Just claimed it, felt immediately better.