Hi guys, hope everyone is great.
would you guys recommend two or three audios for a mind floating in a little bit of sadness…
Many thanks
Hi guys, hope everyone is great.
would you guys recommend two or three audios for a mind floating in a little bit of sadness…
Many thanks
thank you! Really appreciate the help
does this work pretty quick?
Allow me to chime in
In addition to the contributions from our treasured members above,
How about a belly full of joy and laughter?
Additionally, uplift yourself:
And lastly, child happiness potential:
You’re all set
As for the time, it depends on your inner conditions to begin…
Great suggestions. I’ll just add interconnected of everything and mindfulness.
Blessings to you!! I promise something good to come for you ;)
Dopamine from the energetic alchemy, also the seratomin one sp used to have
It depends on people. Try meditating to it too.
i was going to suggest the free peace and joy audio, but i can’t find it anymore.
A few loops of these two seem to do the trick for me!
I have lately begun to contemplate what really is joy? Is it a sense of exhilaration (resulting from Neuro/Biochemical and Alchemy tracks), a sense of lighthearted carefree feeling (Happiness tag), Quietness & Serenity (Meditation audio from the course), Ecstatic Shamanic states (can’t think of a Sapien product for this one), a feeling of Oneness, Compassion and Love (Creation & Divine Love) or a feeling of Neutrality (Transcendence) - probably a bit of all of that, but I am leaning more towards the last one these days.
Absolutely, although the whole thread is full of great suggestions.
All nature-related fields for me: Rain Drops (like Maoshan), Tree Experience (of course… spam no. 7578), Majestic Pine Forest Portal, Plant Kingdom, Devic Intercession, Atmospheric Riser v1 (also because of the “nature sounds”), Whale Experience, etc. While meditating, if possible.
these days joy has become when i lose false attachments
Have you tried Tree root meditation while playing Tree experience?
If you refer to a generic meaning of Tree root meditation, yes. Especially after some fields like Pietersite, etc. Or after working past traumas with a “client” (therapy process).
But did you mean something more specific? What about you, if you want to share?
What is generic tree root meditation?
“Casual” process (if I may say so) like visualizing yourself grounding and then having your roots going/stabilizing underground, along with breathing, etc.