Any field for dimples?

I’m surprised to learn that no one has talked about it.

Surprised? Is it a big and or important thing to have i haven’t realized? :joy:


Dimples are some type of genetic malformation (some call them genetic defects). If your parents have them, you might have them as well. It seems that they can go away (this happened to my brother).


Yes it is. Just look at people with dimples and they look cute asf

:blush: yes it was just funny how you worded it.

To me is not important and i guess to everybody in here since no one has mentioned but you. Not diminishing what you like, perhaps others want but are shy to ask. i just dont want you to think im mocking your thoughts thats all


It’s a popular request in subliminal communities. Along with change eye color. Same here I’m not mocking the people who ask for them. I might even try for fun.:blush: But at my age (not a teen) it’s not really my priority. I would categorize this kind of thing as “nice to have”, and maybe not as urgent as, say, something for healing physical and emotional wounds. Maybe if more people express appreciation to the Sapien Medicine team, and, I don’t know, support them financially by buying their stuff, maybe they’ll be in a good mood to indulge our vanity requests. I have a lot of ideas for Frivolous Volume 2.:grin:


Yeah, it’s pretty popular in that community. I’ve seen some pics of teens successfully getting them. I’m not sure if they’re true or not. (I’m leaning less and less into subliminals and more into fields these days.)

When I was younger, I wanted to have a dimple on my right cheek just to balance the one I have on the left. :joy: People didn’t really notice it unless I pointed it out. As I got older, it became a non-issue to me.

It is a malformation in the cheek muscle, but in my country some people even went to great lengths and had surgery for them. Not judging, but I think it’s strange to see them even if the person isn’t smiling. :woman_shrugging:


The unilateral dimple is rarer, apparently.:grin:


Didn’t know this… When growing up, my Mom made it sound like the best damn thing in the world lol


Whoa! I didn’t know that, lol.

Having a field for dimple/s is nice, like the mechanism for it to work. I love learning the science behind all these fields.

Anyway, I wonder what kind of ideas you have for a Frivolous album 2? :smile:


It is though. When you were baby, a kind fairy delighted in your pure soul and kissed you there to charm you with good luck for the rest of your life.



Hahahaha seww kewwt

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And sometimes, dear children, the gossamer-winged ones get a little loopy from the sweet mead that they brew from dewdrops and the nectar of night-blooming flowers (only the blue colored ones), so they miss the target a little and the mark lands on the middle of the chin, and that’s why some people have butts on their faces.


Haha stop it :rofl::joy:


What? I’m auditioning for Captain’s second album of Bedtime Stories.:blush: But I think mine aren’t chilling enough.

Fan Theory and Spoilers for 'Searching For A Lost Sister'

I think the missing fae children are in the piano man’s cathedral, what do you think? But the fairies can’t find them because the magical essence of the children (with their energetic signature) has been extracted and trapped in the stained glass, leaving behind the ordinary-looking children as the Maestro’s captive audience. He only appears to help the questing trio so that he’ll look like a good guy. Because you have to wonder, all those children sitting down quietly for longer than two minutes, listening to classical music? Impossible. It must be enchantment. I’m thinking Pied Piper subplot.


Good thing it (your 2nd dimple making) didn’t work huh, or you’d be more average by changing some of the things that made you, you.:heartpulse:


Exactly! :blush:


Staaaaahp, my ovaries! :heart_eyes:

checks bank account. A virtual fly buzzes out

Oh nevermind, I’m fine again.


Let’s talk more about dimples!

Irish Interdisciplinary Journal of Science and Research: Correlation of Cheek Dimple with Urine Specific Gravity

It is concluded that subject whose urine has specific gravity of 0.1 get more chances of having dimples on their cheeks.

Innovative Journal of Medical and Health Science: Anatomical Skin Dimples

There are different types of dimples on the human body. Fovea buccalis (dimple of cheek), fovea mentalis (dimple of chin), zygomatic dimples, fossa supraspinosus (bi-acromial dimple=dimple of shoulder), elbow dimples, fossa lumbales laterales (dimple of back), gluteal dimples and sacral-coocygeal dimples (pilonidal dimple).

International Journal of Anatomical Variations: Case Study: Bilateral dimples that are rarely seen in the lower alignment of the mouth corners (Fovea inferior anguli oris)

Conclusion: “There has been limited research on the anatomy of dimples and there is no study showing the frequency of this different kind dimple and multi-dimple according to genus.”

Translation: We just thought it was cool that this one lady had it and nobody else talks about it so we wrote a paper.

I hate to burst their bubble, but it’s not as rare as they make it out to be, lots of people have this side chin / lower mouth dimple. Let’s look at all these K-pop stars!

More dimple fun: upper cheek dimples are called “Indian dimples” in Korea. But why? A mystery!

Why stop at just having a dimple. Choose the location to suit your personality!

Thanks for subscribing to Dimple Facts. Have a nice day!