Hello everyone,
So recently I had some meatballs with soup. And first thing first they tasted weird, like raw to me but still ate them anyway as I thought it might be just my imagination. Even after finishing them weird smell and taste didn’t go away. Went to my mom to confirm whether the meatballs were fully cooked or not. She confirmed that they were fully cooked. Now this smell and taste have been surrounding me for almost a week. Everyday, I eat less and drink more water to fill myself because the taste just doesn’t go away and the whatever food is being cooked has that weird smell as well. Any solutions. I’m in absolutely dire need of help. I feel I’m about to go crazy soon.
Thank you everyone.
It feels like you are moving to be a vegetarian.
Do you have any symptoms of Acid Reflux?
It seems you have eaten that food with an unpleasant feeling.
Try detoxing yourself including stomach and Intestine regeneration.listen to sakura blossoms too
Nope. Not at all. However, I do feel a bit of internal heat because of dehydration.
Have you eaten meat since?
This happens to me sometimes, this is why I never buy meat anymore because I ended up throwing it away sooner or later after eating a bit.
Like… sometimes it’s okay if I’m out… but then I try to have a bit of meat again a week later and ew disgusting
My mom’s cooking some meat today and I know just by seeing the dish I feel my appetite going away.
Maybe try to suggest that you would like to try some vegetarian dishes? Are you still in school? I mean are you old enough (or are you in a situation to) to buy/cook food for yourself?
Yep, I can buy and kind of cook for myself. I’m going to try some sweet dishes and some pasta to see the difference.
Tried cereals, they taste ok. Tea is ok. Custard is ok. Pasta’s not ok maybe 'cause of Tuna. And egg isn’t ok. Is egg vegetarian?
Try using food enchancer from dreamseeds.
Yeah I agree on the food enhancer.
Perhaps your energy system is going through a change and requires a certain type of nutrition. I think you should be quite gentle with yourself.
I would suggest try vegan first with some simple foods then after a couple of days add back some non-vegan veggie (egg, dairy), then fish if it feels ok. Finally if you think it’s over, try meat again.
Simple vegan food is both pretty simple and about as cheap as it gets (again, depends on the country, I recall being shocked by fresh veggie price overseas, even in Walmart):
- baked potato (or any other form), sweet potato, guacamole, beans
- rice or whatever grain
- indian: Dal, veggie curry
- a ton of simple Asian foods like stir fry or even ramen (non-meat of course), miso soup, tofu
- sandwich with hummus or avocado instead of butter and mayo, peanut butter and jelly works too
- fresh fruits and veggies
- pasta with mushroom or simple tomato sauce or other veg
Reading through it, ive just listed what I mostly eat haha well maybe not the best overall but I think for your situation it is not a bad list.
Thank you everyone for your advice. And as you guys said yep it was a really subtle transition. I have found that foods or drinks I liked to eat before knowing that they are junk, don’t appeal to me anymore e.g. juices like mango, guava, energy drinks, chips, chocolate (now I consume small amounts), cookies, cupcakes and especially meat. I have become more than 80% vegetarian. Super happy with the change.