Any suggestions for Autonomic Disorders (Dysautonomia)?

Hello, new to here. First of all, thanks for existence of this forum and all people here. I would like to know what are the suggested sounds from Sapien Medicine is helpful to Autonomic Disorders? Especially for chronic situations (more than 20 years and persisting), perhaps caused by some unresolved mental and emotional issues/trauma since childhood.
Thanks again!


Beginner’s stack
The Plasma Brain of Youth (Hidden Bonus Item)
Nerve Damage Help: New Release
New Release: Auto Immune Reversal (Field)
PTSD Help: New Release
The Outlook Retrainer: Testimonials

Others will be along with more suggestions.


Thank you! I’ll give them a try.


Added to what OM posted:

*Blood Brain Barrier Repair- especially important
*Brain and Spine Antioxidant
*Heart Inflammation Reduction


Thanks again for all your suggestions :grinning:


Hi, did you find relief for your dysautonomia problems thanks to the adviced fields?

@Thetraveller I think I am now in crisis mode to be unable to tell whether dysautonomia issues were solved or not…

What do you mean? symptoms are worse?
Most of people who have dysautonomia symptoms (POTS, brain fog, etc) have the helicobacter pylori bacteria in their stomach. Do you have it?

Hi, I don’t know whether I got that bacteria in my stomach.
What I meant was I now have some other issues that’s overpowering, or more basic than autonomic disorders.

I’m very sorry for this, be patient and strong bro you’ll find a way to go through this

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Thank you

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All you need is nerve damage help, loop the absolute fuck out of it, most of the time the root cause of our disease (uneasiness) is caused by a malfunctioning nervous system


I am also very interested in curing dysautonomia or autonomic dysfunction. What has helped you the most?

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Give Plasma Flaunt a go my friend


Also perhaps try out the new “Lucky to be healthy” field that Cap just released as part of an album

It could bring you things you need to heal (if I’m not mistaken @Dreamweaver)


Lucky Flows Album


Thanks so much!

OK, two years later I’ll answer myself.

The endocriner + breath of belly + stellar ganglion + vagus nerve + cannabinoids album


:muscle:t4: @kimchisauerkraut