Anybody have height booster v1.0

hello, please if someone has height booster v1.0, can you pass it to me, I don’t have the opportunity to try it, so I would like to use it to increase my height, I’m on. my best stage, my adolescence.
If anyone has the link to pass it to me, I would appreciate it from the bottom of my heart.

I believe I have it. How do we pass it? Do we have @El_Capitan_Nemo’s permission?


Do you have IG? btw if you don’t mind u can upload it on mediafire. I have the video but i want to download it…

I have. Next time search for it before asking bro, just saying no offense

How do I download it?, Does it lose quality if I download it?

So umm bro, it sounds EXACTLY the same as height Booster 2.0 …

It doesnt matter if it sounds EXACTLY the same. The energy within its what has changed :unamused:


:slight_smile: :grimacing::zipper_mouth_face: .

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Surely v2.0 is better?

why the other uses igf-1

Hey mate, do you have the description of height booster 1.0?