Anyone elses orders yet to ship?

Usually my orders ship within 2 days of my purchase, but so far I’ve yet to receive confirmation of anything after 4.

I was curious if this was happening with just my order, or if everyone else’s orders were having mishaps

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I wasnt aware Teespring fulfilled the orders. So they have a template for the mandala and then just produce it as they get orders?

I have never gotten my tags shipped in 2-days. Generally, it stays in “printing” stage for 4-5 days and then gets shipped.


Huh, that’s interesting. This is the first and only time its taken longer than 2 days.

I did order 4 different dog tags though, that may be why lol

I was aware of the delays, it just never affected my orders and I thought it never would. Oh well, with that taken care of I can just sit back and wait.

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If it makes you feel any better, I’ve several times had orders come in from teespring before teespring registers them as Shipped.


That makes me feel much much better

This item took 13 days to reach me, even during covid, and does not show as delivered yet.

Best of luck to you!

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So you have the tags?

I have also reecieved the tag, even though I did recieve a message before that the order is postponed and that they will notify me, when they will ship the item, so I was very suprised to have it in my mail.( I am from europe)


Yes, the tag still shown here as not delivered, I’ve had it for almost a week. This is normal for me with Teespring.

Just received one of the tags this morning. Thanks everyone for helping out!

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Received this today. And they didn’t even ship it yet. That’s real magic.

  • I ordered two tags on June 23.
  • As of today (June 30), both the tags show the status as “Printing” - never moved to Shipping
  • But I got one of the tags yesterday (June 29)

Generally, if I ordered multiple tags on the same day, I always received them together as well. But this time seems different. I tried to contact Teespring support to get a tracking number for the second tag, but on their site, neither their chat option nor contact option works!

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So, I got an update from Teespring on my support ticket. Their website seemed to have issues where the correct status was not being reflected for order status (stayed at Printing forever even after an item was shipped and delivered). They seemed to have now fixed it as my orders are now showing the right status for both orders.


I got one tag 2 days ago but the other ones won’t be here for another 5 days -.-

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