Has anyone got effects from this audio? This seems like the only one I can’t get effects from…I’ve even ran it 2 times in a row.
No problem bro. Tell me if you get effects from it.
Me too…I would run it more times to see if I can get the effects, but the audio is too long…When I have time, I will listen to it and ask my golem to help me feel the effects better…
I’ve tried it a few times since it was released few years ago. Didn’t get anything from it. I’ve tried a few DMT frequencies from several YouTube channels and didn’t get anywhere except a bit of pressure on my third eye.
Yes, from my earlier post in another thread here:
Last year, I also listened to Sapien’s DMT video a few times (without using LD card) and experienced vivid dreams with a ‘trance state’ feeling which I cannot describe. I was aware I was dreaming of ordinary events but felt strange, like being in another dimension.