Apple music subscription download help

hi, i wanted to know i am subscribed to Guided path, Coincidence and synchronity, Unexpected gifts on Apple Music, but i want to download it into flash drive. How do i do that?

For offline play you need to buy them.

why is that? how much? you said that i could listen to it offline in another post?

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So people cannot pirate music :slight_smile:
You are paying Apple for streaming.

Check prices there.

Yes. Only within Apple music app while having active subscription.
You cannot download it to flash drive unless you buy it.

I think public releases (these are all on official YouTube channels), can be downloaded and played offline without any issues. The format will be one that YT provides, like M4A, but it’s same file that is stored on YouTube side anyway.

Not downloadable from Apple Music maybe, but from YouTube.

Not sure about that:

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If you listen on YT it’s always m4a or opus, if you download one of them you get exactly same file. If you download from Odysee you get exactly same mp4/m4a. M4A per se is closer to original file, opus is still same in practice from my experience.

YouTube only streams m4a/aac and opus, no mp3.

There’s no ground for this claim on “distortion” and many will disagree. Especially if one downloads format that YT natively serves.

Only Sammy or Dream can confirm that :man_shrugging:

Easy solution is - use Patreon and buy fields if not there ;-)

You can just click on Stats for Nerds on YT while playing audio and validate it. There’s no mp3 served from YT.

Take a look at Odysee official backup, for example The Guided Path

Videos are downloadable in exactly same format they are played.

And you have confirmation from Sammy or Dream that fields work that way?

? It was always confirmed that one can download Sapien Medicine public audios from YT and play locally.

By who? Can you share that info?

It’s only not recommended for free audios if one uses converter, that you mentioned above. But it’s native format if downloaded directly in m4a.

It was discussed Official Odysee's Sapien Medicine channel discussion - #12 by Rosechalice

Multiple times said that download with YouTube Premium is same as storing mp4 locally.

Thanks, but I am sticking with official FAQ, Patreon and buying fields.

One can’t “buy” Energetic Alchemy releases AFAIK, if we are talking about public free ones. And for your own use you can’t get anything different from YouTube.

You can buy here for example.

Energetic Alchemy on Amazon Music

Interesting, still these aren’t all titles present on Energetic Alchemy channel.

Its creators choice ;-)
And I respect that.

I understand, my point is that for the YT audios, they are downloadable for personal use. But to get mp3 one has to buy album.