Appretinced to a Himalayan Master - Alien encounter

I don’t know how many of you know or have read Appretinced to a Himalayan Master by Sri M, but there is a very interesting story in one of the chapters and I will start this thread about that story.
Let me clarify one thing: I have not read that book, only that chapter with that unusual encounter (1 year ago, while watching a Sadhguru video and reading some comments on Youtube, I encountered a message about that book and it’s story -that story from the book- intrigued me, so I searched for it and I found it); here is a small text from chapter 29, titled The Fireball from the Sky:

"The other was a rather frightful experience to start with. On the third night at Arundhati cave, I was
woken up by what I at first thought was the rumbling of thunder. I opened my eyes and saw Babaji in
his usual sitting posture, back towards me, silhouetted by the light of the Dhuni. I looked beyond, and
from between two parting clouds, emerged something that was roughly the size of a full moon, but
could not be the moon. Instead of the cool, silvery, white light shed by the moon, this object was a
glowing ball of fire, and as it moved closer the rumbling became louder. Then it came towards the
cave and landed right on the Dhuni, with the sound of a thunderclap.
I was so scared that I could not even sit up, but Babaji sat upright like a statue, unaffected and
unmoved. I wanted to call out to him, but my vocal chords refused to function. Somehow, I pulled
myself up to a sitting position. My whole body trembled with fear.
A strange spectacle unfolded before my astounded eyes. The rumbling had stopped and there was
utter silence. The fireball, which was about two feet in diameter, split vertically into two, and out of
it emerged something that caused goose pimples all over my body. It was a large snake, with a hood
like a cobra, glowing electric blue, as if made of a transparent, violet, glass like material, with
electric filaments lit inside. The snake-like creature’s eyes glowed, and it hissed softly.
My fear vanished the moment I saw the creature bend down and touch Babaji’s feet with its hood.
Babaji blessed it by touching its head with his right hand, and then did something, which for a second,
made me wonder if what I was seeing was a silly dream, or reality. He hissed in reply.
The blue cobra straightened up and sat facing Babaji. A hissing conversation went on for quite
some time. Then Babaji said, “Madhu, come forward and see the deputy chief of the Sarpa Loka.” I
moved forward and carefully sat behind Babaji. The snake hissed. Babaji said, “Bow down to
Nagaraj.” I bowed low before the snake. At close quarters, I could see that he was quite big and had
intelligent sparkling eyes. The snake hissed and touched my head with his forked tongue. I found that I
was not the least bit frightened, although I could feel a mild electric shock passing through my body.
Then abruptly, it slithered back into the globe, the two halves of which clicked shut, and with a
rumbling sound, the globe took off and soon vanished in the clouds. I could not but ask Babaji to
explain. “Babaji,” I said, “I deserve an explanation. If I said this to anybody, they would think I am
utterly crazy, or that I am concocting some kind of fiction, so I shall keep this to myself. But please,
explain to me.”
“Yes,” Babaji said, “you are right. Not many will believe this experience of yours but you will
have to share it with the public, when you write your autobiography. It does not matter who believes
or does not, but I will explain to you. Truth is often stranger than fiction.
“In the Milky Way, there exists a stellar system with seven planets and eighteen moons. One of
these planets is called Sarpa Loka, and is entirely inhabited by highly evolved, hooded snakes. The
serpents are called the Naga devatas. The person you saw is the deputy chief of this realm and he is
called Nagaraja. The supreme head of the Nagas is the five-hooded golden serpent, known in ancient
Indian texts, as Anantha.
“Thousands of years ago, when humanity was still in infant stages of mental evolution, there was
regular contact with Sarpa Loka. The wise and evolved Nagas frequented the earth, and spent long
periods here, teaching and educating human beings. The snake worship you come across in all ancient
civilizations is a tribute to the advanced Nagas of yore. Their images were venerated for the deep
wisdom that they possessed. They also taught the secret of the kundalini energy initially, again
symbolized by a serpent. Patanjali who gave the world the Ashtanga Yoga Sutras, was himself a
Naga, and is depicted as half man and half snake. The snake on the pharaoh’s head and the snake
coiled around the yogi-god Shiva, are all symbolic representations of wisdom and power, imparted to
certain human beings by the Naga teachers.
“But then, as always seems to happen, human beings, as they became more powerful, began to also
become more self-centred and cunning. Humans, or at least a majority of them, were ready to even
kill for personal gain. Some felt threatened by the intellectually and spiritually superior Nagas, and
forgetting their indebtedness, began to use the powers that they had acquired from the Nagas against
“At one point, there were large scale massacres of the Nagas. The Supreme Naga Chief decided
to recall the Nagas from earth, and cut all connections, except with some human beings who were
highly evolved spiritually. Overnight, they were transported back to Sarpa Loka. A small number of
Nagas, who were either sick or too old, or in rare cases, rebels who defied the orders of the Supreme
Chief thinking that they still could do something with the human beings, got left behind."

Anyway, What do you guys think about that story? By the way, it isn’t over, but you can read it yourself.
I have read and watched some things about aliens and actually I’m quite confused, since, depending on the source, you can have one explanation or another and you have so many hypothetical beings and races, Jesus, I don’t know (that’s why I said a few times that I don’t have knowledge on ETs, because although I have read a few things here and there, I’m not really advanced in terms of knowledge regarding the subject), what do you guys think about that story and about aliens in general?

EDIT: there are only/still a few sentences left from that story.
I would really appreciate it if at least one person with knowledge on the subject would give me/us his/her view on this story.
EDIT: Captain, I’m glad that you enjoyed this story (same for you, Raiden, rosomaha, donut, Genie and everyone else)! :smiley:


Sounds partially plausible. I think he may have associated the snake symbolism in Egypt falsely, on his own.

Life on other planets do exist, have visited earth, and still in contact in different ways.


Well, since I can’t possible argue with all you said and because I agree, all I have to say is thank you for your answer.

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I use to be a devout Buddhist at a young age (7-11), and I remember my grandmother telling me stories of these Nagas and whatnot and their interaction with society, and more importantly the Buddha. I don’t know how correct these accounts are, but definitely interesting.


Yeah, these are definitely fascinating stories.

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My favorite guys in the whole wide world - Nagas! They keep showing up now and then - be it physically, in discussions, forum threads, or articles - amazing folks.

These Naga beings may be credited with disclosing all Kundalini-related yogic techniques. The serpent on Shiva’s head symbolizes two things: A fully awakened and mastered Kundalini (while Kundalini is microcosmic in humans, in Shiva’s case, it represents the Kundalini of the cosmos, the original blueprint of Kundalini of all creation); As also the ability to control and master adversities - to turn poison to nectar, to turn mortality to immortality.

Nagas are also some of the very few other-dimensional beings who show up physically and hence are easy to interact with, even if one is not ready for astral communication. Fascinating beings. They are reported frequently around a shrine in India dedicated to a Serpent goddess. Several Yogis recite mantras and do their practices around this shrine to get access to guidance from the Naga teachers. From what I have seen, they begin to show up in different forms once one’s Kundalini is awakened.

They are also seen across cultures. Our Daoist sect of Maoshan Sorcery traces its origin back to revelations from an Immortal in the form of a Snake, who interestingly, is described as “appeared from Sanskrit land” (which probably refers to India or maybe Tibet to a lesser extent).

This guy M is fascinating. His name is Mumtaz Ali Khan and was born in a Muslim family. Usually, traditional Muslims consider Yoga, Deities, etc. are “blasphemous”, not all, but many (we see that Jinn and black magic threads now and then :smiley:) - so I was very curious. He said one thing, “When your heart is full of bliss, who cares about those little, petty human restrictions?” with a radiant smile. He is also pretty well-versed in Sufi meditation. He was lecturing in California a few years ago, probably right before the pandemic, and we met through a common acquaintance Mark Griffin, a remarkable man, who has now passed. He visited our home for lunch and he right away noticed my old eternity pendant (which Dream had then placed on my custom object, a very non-descript, ugly-looking thing I had strung around my neck lol) - he right away said, “That thing is also shielding you” - I had not told him anything about the pendant, or its shielding function, and that pendant was not even clearly visible on top of my sweater.


Wow! Thank you!

Awesome thinking and especially way of being/living!
Thank you sharing this whole post!
Now, after everything you wrote, I need to study/know more about these awesome Nagas!
Who is that in the picture? Is that Mumtaz or you?


That was Sri M when I met him.


Pretty awesome and cool for a Master (I guess at that level, you would be relaxed/cool)!
EDIT: I get positive vibes from him, from that picture, although I’m quite the beginner when it comes to sensing energy!


Oh yeah, he certainly had a nice aura or he could not last more than a few in my house. My guardians can be a bit harsh if any unsavory characters show up in my living space.


This man in the photo is a naga? @Maoshan_Wanderer