Are males and females the biological/physical manifestation of the duality program/paradigm?

I have been dabbling in Hyperboria/Tartaria/Old World/Mudflood investigation for about 2 years. I recall one time where I was watching a video about different beings and forms of humans that were around before they were separated into male and female. Then I watched a Dan Winter video over the weekend where he interview 2 people that said everything going on in the 3rd dimension is a direct manifestation of what’s going on in the higher realms, it just appears differently in our 3d reality. Then I thought about the system of duality on this planet and what if humans were engineered into separate male and female to represent the ultimate biological representation of duality on a very high and intricate level?


Yes. As above so below. Everything is male-female/masculine-feminine. Even salts.
Elohim (Gods and Goddesses)- fundamentalists ignore that Elohim has El (masculine God) and Elah (spelled aleph, lamed, hei) meaning Goddess: the letter Hei is a feminine letter that is symbolic of a womb, receptivity…and then Iod-Mem at the end is plural. So it means Gods and Goddesses.
Everything is a reflection of Elohim. Which is archetypal masculine-feminine existing in all levels of nature and literal simultaneously referring to Divine Counterparts…like my gif (Krishna and Radha).
Etc etc

Meditate on this mantra:
Jai Radha Madhava, Kunja Bihari
Gopijana Vallabaha, Giri Vara Dhari

All of manifestation is the Divine dance of Shiva-Shakti (masculine-feminine). We even return to our archetypal Divine Elohim nature where we come from through White Tantra with our spouse. This subject triggers a lot of people, but IMHO it’s the truth. Elohm unfolds into us (male-female) for us to experience duality, density, manifestation and then return through the ultimate Divine Sacred Sexual dance with each other when ready.


Yep, even chemicals (Right-/Left-isomers) and particles of atoms (right/left spin). It’s everywhere.


My question is, if the goal is non duality, what were the hermaphrodites and why are they basically non existent today? Were they the physical manifestation of complete wholeness with no separation from the Creator/Source? Then when we separated from God or the Creator/Source, were the hermaphrodites wiped out to further the agenda of duality in 3D? Then they were replaced with male and female to anchor in the duality program for good?

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Ahh this is such a deeeeep topic and I love to discuss it, but to really understand it- you need to have a deep intuitive knowledge of Kabbalah, specifically it’s Four Worlds which describe how manifestation unfolds. But, in short, we once were the hemaphrodites during the Hyperborean age. Millions of years ago. The sexes split during the Lemurian age.

Yes, we were seperated to be able to “interact” seperately and eventually rejoin as i pointed out about the Tantra, The details to the “reasons” takes a lot of meditation.

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The understanding of it all is constantly evolving for me and everyone.

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I’ve always suspected this! This is why I have the sleeping hermaphrodite as my avi. I think that’s where we all started from and something happened to them, possibly very sinister to anchor in this matrix we live in now. Do you have any recommendations to where I can further my research? I always hit a information wall when it comes to this kind of stuff but it fascinates me too!

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I don’t think it’s sisnister at all. It’s nature unfolding. The hemaphroditic state and all the states of humanity are even recapitulated in the womb of a woman. Go to and go to courses and lectures and there is a whole course called “Cosmic Evolution In The Bible”

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Oh wow! I’ve never heard of this site before. Thank You! I’m checking it out now.

Dude such a wealth of knowledge there about everything! Enjoy.

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I guess this is a good time to dust off my lonely copy of the sefer yetzirah i keep picking up and putting back down out of frustration and feeling like an idiot


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I’ve never read it but I can tell by the title it’s a good thing to read.
The lectures will really “plant seeds” in you. Intutive seeds. The speakers make it really understandable. Out of those seeds deeper understanding will grow within.

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i’m listening again right now!

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I think “Cosmic Evolution in The Bible” is the first lecture in the series. For some reason they are out of order on the site now. Then I think “Cosmic Races in the Bible.” Not sure about the rest but no matter what order you listen you will gain a lot.

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I’m listening to the first one now. I bought the sefer yetzirah back in december. everytime i start reading it, i feel overwhelmed, but from the looks of this lecture and the little bit that i’ve been able to comprehend, they seem to go hand in hand, just from looking at the images. perfect timing. thank you again!

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Oh ok i’m on the wrong lecture then

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No problem! Enjoy.

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they’re still around. they’re just labelled differently to be more respectful and politically appropriate.

this way of thinking further separates.

there’s always duality and non-duality happening. duality is good as it brings new combinations, but can be problematic when not allowed to express authentically.

non-duality is always treated as a good thing, but in a different lens, it can be problematic with nothing new happening, no new reactions, nothing new being created.


Well yes of course they still exist. But in an entropic manner, not negentropic. If I say anymore than that here in 2021, people will get offended.

There does exist Divine Hemaphrodites (negentropic) as well, yes But, the ones you are referring to is what the general public knows about.

New things are created in both the entropic and negentropic current. So just as humans become hermaphroditic Elohim upon ascension with their counterpart (or at the beginning of the Cosmic Evolution of humanity), the same thing happens to devolving souls. Souls delving further into complication of matter and energy. This is one of the things the upside down pentagram symbolizes- spirit descending further into density of matter and energy. It’s a reflection of the “above” manner. But in this case, it happens in one body without the act of sexual magic. As above, so below- always. There is always a “like, “corresponding”phenomenon in all levels of nature.

Disclaimer: I’m not speaking in terms of right” or “wrong” - strictly entropy and negentropy.


Non-duality doesn’t mean nothing new being created. On the contrary, becoming non-dual contributes to the expansion of the Universe- which is it’s goal. Expansion of the Source of new things-universes, planets, galaxies, beings. You become part of Creation.