Are tags more effective with less fields?

I like maximum efficacy and I don’t mind making my playlists very short. But I wonder if it’s worth cutting my audio usage so my body focuses more on the tags I’m using. What do y’all think?

I’m starting to experience why people in here say things like:

“Low energy drainage fields” (reference to something like the BPIL)

I think ,and I’m hoping we can get a direct answer, these fields do require a certain amount of energy for them to be carried out.

Like programs running in a computer requires a certain amount of ram, processing power, etc.

Under that mindset, I am restructuring what audios I am going to listen to as some are higher priority than others and I just experienced an intense burn out yesterday. I don’t think that cutting out the audios completely is necessary but definitely putting focus on certain ones you wish to experience is my inkling on being wise.



Speaking of Intention Repeater, I’m pretty sure that’s one of the main reasons I felt completely burnt out. I had it running for 120 hours and I was looping audios overnight.

If you feel good and can handle it, I think you should be fine.


Idk how much intentions you’re getting with your machine but the intention repeater is extremely energy intensive IMO, with the new CUDA program I get strong pulses in my third eye within like 10 minutes, in fact I have them right now lol, and I’m not that energy sensitive.

The first time i used it 24/7 it left me feeling like a zombie for a day lol, 10/10 would do it again

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My case is the opposite, I’m getting hungry and having to eat more, which consequently is making me put on weight, weight loss audios are not working, it seems that everything goes to the belly lol

Haha I hear you, as soon as you mentioned there’s a CUDA version I’m trying to figure it out now as we speak.

I was running 10 Intentions and I definitely feel it about 10-20 seconds after running it

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Just try the enhanced fat metabolism one, I think it would be extremely hard to gain fat with that, it’s basically putting your body in keto diet 24/7 with added shit.

Bro, mind PM’ing me (can’t send you a message) to set up the CUDA version?

I have the Visual basic and CUDA Toolkit already.

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Did you keep your laptop on though?

while i was reading both of your posts, i received a high pitched signal coming only from my right ear, confirming that this could be true for me.

i too have been eating more than i do because of my tag usage. i’ve also been listening to mainly the politics of the body to recharge my physical body.

Enhanced Organ Functioning

The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cells. It is the their center of energy and functioning. This audio charges up the mitochondria in all cells in all of the internal organs so that they have a high amount of energy. Through this hyper enhanced functioning, the functions of the organs are restored and regeneration is enhanced.

for me, the easiest way to get energy is through eating, the physical act of digestion becomes the energy my body needs for the extra energetic stuff i do. :woman_shrugging:

i’ve been eating a mainly ‘raw diet’ of fruits and vegetables. i do supplement with other vegetarian dishes! part of the change to my diet is because i’m still reading Inner Engineering and i like Sadhguru’s insights on life force and food. so far it’s been a really good change for me!


Did you mean this could be true for you?

They are all fields so yeah, in general I’d say less fields (audio, tags, mandala or other) = more efficency

Obviously a good combination can be better than a single field

I see efficency also in term of fields used congruency. You are basically sending information to your system. So a lot of different kind of informations can overwheelm the system.

The more the system gets stronger, not only in terms of energy amount but also adaptability, sensitivity etc the more info it can efficently process


sorry, i apologize and will clarify that i meant the following in your quote:

i wanted to relate with you on the fact that i also have been eating more because i am noticing that morphic fields do in fact require energy through my own self-experimentation.


Yeah, I’ve found that sometimes I get sad when I’m overwhelmed with energies, but I can keep going for longer if I replenish myself with good food


this is definitely something i’ve noticed! i actually mentioned this to a friend in our private messages but i will quote it:

there’s probably a correlation between my tiredness and the thoughts that i receive. when i am high in energy, i am more in my ‘heart’ centered thoughts of love and appreciation for those i’m around. when i feel tired and low in energy, my thoughts and actions do their best to stay away from others which is not ideal in my work environment.

i love that you mention this as i just messaged him about the above 6 hours ago during my morning!

edit: it’s quite interesting for me to balance as a main reason why i have these morphic fields is for my mental and emotional health. if i overdue the usage of morphic fields, it actually becomes a double edged sword for me and results in the opposite of my ideal emotional and mental health goals.


In my last prolonged fast (72 hours) I was starving most of the fast which I found unusual because I wasn’t working with too much energies. But I remembered I had my ascension tag on lol


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