Arm fat Removal

This audio is programmed to promote Apoptosis of the fat cells located under your arm, those that sometimes hang a bit as you get older. It will also work on tightening the skin there.
The audio is programmed using morphic fields and energy programming.
Use as up to 3 times a day if needed.
Good luck with your results!


This seems to be working well; however, I’ve noticed that it’s been working solely on my right arm, and the uneven fat distribution is quite obvious to me. In comparison, my left arm remains a bit more ‘fatty,’ whereas my right arm is much skinnier. I am skinny overall, but for some reason my left arm is a remaining issue. Which fields can I use to target this problem? Thank you.

Hi there @thewindcalls!

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Welcome KY Rose

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Try talking to field while its playing and tell it your request.

Welcome to the forum! :rosette: