Arms Shredded & Jacked

it would be better if you use saint of biceps after this field, imo.

edit: thinking about it, before and after would definitely be more powerful.



Well, I‘d like it to be true, because It sounds very limiting that we‘re destined to some predisposition concerning our DNA… In many cases there seems to be some evidence that gets backed up by science despite of that, people should never loss their spirit to strive for what they desire, but at the same time be conscious enough to actually do the right evaluation based on their results.

the more i listen to subconscious limits removal the more i realize literally anything is possible, like anything, things that the human mind can’t even begin to understand are possible, i mean just look at the things captain is creating Lol, thinking DNA is able to hinder your full potential sounds silly to me honestly, perhaps it can slow you down, but you mustn’t fall under that belief


@SammyG does this target the chest? the description says its an advanced version of the upper body workout field but everything else seems to point out it only works on the arms…


No, bro, It’s just targets only the arms


I’m guessing neck/torso shredded and jacked, and legs shredded and jacked are coming?


^ Only the arms


Chest jacked and shredded please. it will be my only hope to get Arnold’s chest lol


nice audio

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I must say, I really like the targeted growth here.

Did I need it? Not really. I have Hardcore and have been getting pretty amazing results from that alone.

That being said, this works really fast (focusing on one group) Noticed a big up in my grip strength and I’m starting to notice a slight difference in my arm composition already.

@Captain_Nemo any chance you could make an extra update for Acquisition of Abdominal Definition buyers that includes the 20E Pepper additions as well? That combo works fast 🏃🏻‍♂️


I agree!!! The same counts for everything else If we focus on one particular area, the growth occurs much faster. One addition that I‘d like to point out, to enhance upcoming muscle fields is:

-Twitch in time benefits to the particular muscle group (It helps with performance in general)

-Automated workout to that muscle group (Rev-ErbA targeted to the muscle, along with some micro contractions)

-Bone strengthener benefits to the bones for better performance and health

-Smart stem cells targeting to whole area for more functionality and health in general (Create more muscle stem cells (If possible), target ligaments and tendons to strengthen and heal them if necessary)

Let me know what y’all think about that concept!!!
This concept would lit for legs, back and chest ;)

Have a nice week everyone!!!


I know it’s only been 8 days. But how’s it going for everyone ? :smiley:


You mean, beyond the enthusiastic reports shared above?


Yeah I was just wanting to know if There’s been more great reports and improvement. No need for sarcasm. I was trying to get this one flowing again. Sorry.


Sarcasm doesn’t translate in the world of plain text, so I use a /sarc tag when I’m being sarcastic.

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I want to try this but hesitant on the price, The automated ones on YouTube work pretty well for me I use them a lot, I. bought the abdominal definition one for $108 it really didn’t do much for me and im sure my auric health is good I used it for a while now dont see any much definition not fat either I dont know guess some work for some and not for others cant see paying $240 for something like this and not getting results I feel some of the stuff is way overpriced


Superb idea…


Looking for feedback

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Could you say few more words

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