Artisan Principles: Recruitment Status: Closed

the essence of creation begins with passion and care; delicacy in the output is governed through skill and expertise of the person— the ability to transform the mundane into an artistic piece. This skill is integrated in all career roles; the ability to pursue excellence with the attitude of perseverance maintains its relevancy - regardless of the position in life. A life worth living is one that is pursued with care and passion, and a career pursued in excellence grants the user all sort of monetary rewards.

Observing the output of work as an extension of oneself is natural to man. Self-ownership becomes mandatory to experience as part of pursuing excellence — pride and integrity become synonymous to the pursued output. It is then considered that “excellence” is a personal quality, reflected on work, rather than an indecent quality of work. A person who observes the elegance of persistence and mastery indeed understands the value of excellence.

This is the concept behind this NFT - the project establishes the delicacy of persistence into the mastery of work and provides a framework that goes beyond “quality” and into the artisan quality of work. the full idea will be revealed in the group,

the project specifically targets “excellence of work” and the artisan quality associated with it. It serves as a linking point between the abstract idea and the final outcome of any endeavor that an individual can pursue

  • Yes, I’d like my quality of work to be excellent.

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