Ascension has anyone truly ascened with the asecenison feild or made progress with or has gotten detached plz tell me wat it was like i would Love Love to know

i know it works in all i just want to know wat that state of councness is like


I wore it for a few weeks with a boosted Chakra tag. Within the first week I experienced kundalini awakenings. I would feel pain in my tail bone and at the same exact time buzzing in my pineal gland. It would be hard to mistake that for anything else.

It made me a better person, more loving, patient and kind. But brace yourself for this part. I ultimately decided to take a break from it because it made me aware of how unloving people are. It’s like getting taller but not wanting to live in a world full of short people. So I just stopped getting taller. But I’m still getting buffer… growing in other ways. And in time I may return to this.

Don’t let me dissuade you, if you want spiritual growth, please go after it. And when you get to whatever place you get to, you’ll be able to decide then what is the best next step for you.


oh yes and i 100 % belive u with the awakeings though thank u for this with love


Honestly, if I did it again now, with one or more of the shielding tags, and definitely with Lion’s Confidence and Courage, there is a much higher chance that I would stick with it.

If you are going after ascension you just may want to have a few crystals with you. Shungite and Black Phantom Quartz are the main ones I would want with me. Jet is good too. As you become more positive I feel you need to learn better ways of dealing with the negative. One school of thought is that higher vibrations on your part will make lower vibrations less compatible with you and that will give you some immunity to them. From experience, I know that is true to a large extent.

But if or when some negative energy does get through to you while in a higher vibrational state, it seems to have more impact than when you were in a lower vibration. That’s where some of these crystals can help. None of this is necessary by the way. You would probably do just fine with the tags alone. But I’m trying to give you some extra edge on things.

Shungite dispels negative energy from you rapidly, it will not be able to stay in you for long at all.

Black Phantom Quartz will get you in touch with your shadow. So if something dark gets to you, you will know you have something darker in you and it won’t bother you, or it won’t have such an impact.

Please take this all with a grain of salt, I’m sharing opinions and experience, and am no expert.


understandable thank u for info with love