Asclepius- The Healer (private Group project)

This was a private group started by me and RoseChalice in November 2021.
Everyone in our group contributed.
This was released in the last group of NFT’s that were created by Dream.

Thank you Dream for creating this! :rose: :bouquet:

Asclepius - The Healer

Idea: To create a hybrid smart field with intercession (part servitor, part deity) that is able to diagnose and cure any physical ailment and disease of the NFT owner and those whom the NFT owners wishes to direct the healing to.

First Main Function : A direct connection to and receiving the blessings of Asclepius, the actual Greek god of medicine (intercession), with all that this can entail. We would love for this to be an on-demand / passive function that has to be consciously activated, while the servitor is the default function.

Supporting Field #1 : Access to his family/pantheon and their boons (if they allow):

    Epione - Goddess of the Soothing of Pain
    Hygieia- Goddess of cleanliness
    Iaso- Goddess of recuperation from illness
    Aceso- Goddess of the healing process
    Aegle- Goddess of radiant good health
    Panacea- Goddess of universal remedy
    Telesphorus or Akesis - the God of Convalescence who “brought to fulfillment” recuperation from illness and injury
    Chiron - who trained Asclepius in the healing arts
    Hypnos - the Greek God of sleep
    Pasithea - Goddess of relaxation and rest
    Hippocrates- the “father of medicine”

Supporting Field #2 : Access to related artifacts, helpers, and healing temples:

The Rod of Asclepius
    The Snake in the rod denotes rebirth, fertility, revitalization, and rejuvenation.
    Rod commands: “Activate, Charge, Balance, Protect, Heal”.
    Charges our bodies with a violet flame healing elixir that also transmutes illness, fear, stress, trauma and pain into joy, peace, and self-love.
    Tapping the rod upon the ground creates a toroidal wave of energy that acts as a barrier to negative energy from without and transmutes negative energy within to pure light.

The Panacea - a poultice or potion of Goddess Panacea (Asclepius’ daughter), that is claimed to cure all diseases.

The Caladrius - able to diagnose and absorb any illness into itself from a person and then flies with it into the skies and to the sun, where the illness is being burned up and eliminated.

The Telesphorion - healing temple of Telesphorus or Akesis (Asclepius’ son)

Sacred springs at Pergamon - believed to cure all illnesses

The Pool of Bethesda – associated with miraculous healing events

Supporting Field #3 : Access to the knowledge, and the abilities and skills that Asclepius possesses naturally as being the Greek god of medicine:

Standard powers of a god.
Vitakinesis: restore the injured to near-instantaneous health.
Enhanced Healing: instantly heal almost any wounds at a quicker rate than even other gods.
Medical Omniscience: instantly able to discern a person’s health status and history
Biokinesis: the power to manipulate and modify the body…

Second Main Function : An intelligent, noded, Skull-like servitor in the form of Asclepius, with unlimited potential, that is infinitely teachable and that has, as its basis and perspective, medical expertise, just like the Greek god Asclepius (he would also have his naturally possessed knowledge, abilities, and skills, such as biokinesis and medical omniscience).

Supporting Field #1 : Access to medical, scientific and recovery databases and information spaces in all times, spaces and dimensions. The servitor has the opportunity to study any method (e.g., techniques, substances, remedies, procedures, etc.) and use it in the safest way (without side effects) for the treatment of any pathological conditions (e.g., injuries, diseases, pain, etc.). The servitor will either know which way to choose, or we can direct it to a certain method. He will then apply his simulator in a safe and targeted manner, eliminating any side effects.

Supporting Field #2 : Access to a universal library and information spaces of all alternative, magical, alchemical and quantum healing methods, in all times, spaces and dimensions. The servitor has the opportunity to study any method (e.g., techniques, substances, etc.) and use it in the safest way (without side effects) to heal any pathological conditions. The servitor will either know which method to choose, or we will be able to tell him which technique to apply to us in a safe, purposeful way.

Supporting Field #3 : A body scanner automated by a servitor. The ability to restore every function, every organ and every system of the body (musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, urinary, endocrine, lymphatic, reproductive, integumentary, circulatory and nervous systems) to a healthy and optimal state.

Third Main Function : Both, the servitor and the deity Asclepius, are able to help us to unlock and successfully apply our self-healing abilities, and to remove any internal blocks and barriers to our healing and recovery.

Supporting Field #1 : Removes subconscious limits, mental, emotional, past trauma, and any limiting beliefs related to disease, injury, pain, healing, and recovery, and replaces those with a healthy, powerful, abundant, and limitless mindset regarding complete healing and full recovery, and optimal health.

Supporting Field #2 : Removes energetic blocks and any energetic patterns that we have acquired or produced ourselves over time that are dysfunctional to healing and maintaining a healthy state, and replaces them with a cleaned, healed, whole, and strengthened energetic pattern.

Supporting Field #3 : Awakens and strengthens our ability to successfully self-heal by becoming more in tune with and in control of our body and all its individual parts, and helps us to successfully tap deep into our soul to find there the true sources and solutions to our health problems and help us to expand our perspective to make decisions that will result in better health and complete healing.

Bonus Field #1: The constant ability to have a deep, healthy, healing sleep. The servitor can regulate and bring to a healthy optimal level all the processes of sleep and falling asleep:

Normalizes cortisol levels before bedtime
Stimulates the natural production of melatonin to an optimal level
Regulates the phases and stages of sleep, as well as the total duration of sleep, bringing their duration to optimal
Generates the optimal amount of slow waves, blood flow in the brain, as well as pulsations of cerebrospinal fluid, for natural, optimal brain cleansing
Regulates the quality of deep delta sleep by stimulating the required number of delta waves and immersing the brain in a deep delta state (the state in which healing begins)
Regulates and normalizes circadian rhythms

Bonus Field #2: Time crystal for healing. Time crystals are essentially that which the atoms have settled into the state with the lowest energy permitted by the ambient temperature, and their properties don’t change with time. The time crystal is the first “out-of-equilibrium” phase: It has order and perfect stability despite being in an excited and evolving


Any copies of this available?


It hasnt been minted yet (or landed in our wallets yet).

Yes, there are a few extra copies.


How can I get a copy or right to a copy? Am new to pre release nfts

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This is the result of a private group project started in November 2021.
We also included a bonus group, (In-needs) that is larger then the original group.
This is NOT a pre-release.

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I understand that this is a group project. Sorry for using the wrong term. Would pre-mint nft be more appropriate? But yea how would one who wasn’t part of the group get access to a copy of it ? I’m new to the whole nft space and only have experience purchasing them on Venly or sound weave.


U look on Venly and/or
Buy/Sell thread and/or
the Trade thread.


So the only way is to get it from a group member who decides to sell it later on?


Group member or the bonus group, yes.
Sell or trade it.


Aight thanks


I want this NFT


How is this different than Caladrius

There appears to be a lot in common, but it looks like it’s put together differently.

I don’t think the Caladrius was noded. I think each NFT had its own specific servitor. And the Caladrius was stated as an immortality project with healing as a support to that. This looks to be primarily healing/health.


Servitor isnt all projects, arc light is not servitor
Thanks which will you get


Who are all these annons lol


Congratulations on getting chosen! There are plenty of healing/immortality nfts now. Looking forward to hearing of all your ailments being taken care of with all at your disposal
Hoping some unique, unprecedented projects get chosen as well to be made


When we started this NFT group, there were NO NFT or servitors DEDICATED to “just” HEALING, which is what we wanted.
So we started Asclepius NFT group.
This group wasnt interested in immortality.
We werent interested in “super powers”

So Asclepius is and was unique.

Caladrius was initially and for a very long time
“Perfect Health and Immortality”.
So its focus was different . It was started approx. 2 weeks after Asclepius .

There was always some overlap, due to the focusing on the wide topic of health .

Both group projects were started in November 2021.

Both projects had to redone when the new form was introduced.

Both projects had a long and sometimes rocky history.
Both groups added a bonus group of in-need people who werent in the main group but who were able to purchase a copy at the group price.

Later there were NFT’s that had an element of healing included, but NOT totally
dedicated to healing.

For the Asclepius bonus group: There were people who were mostly interested in the Immortality aspect, which wasnt a good match for Asclepius. Or people who I interviewed for the bonus group who were really interested in an NFT to do something else for them, like change their looks. Also not a good match. There was a person who wanted to be in the Asclepius bonus group, but on discussion, really wanted Caladrius (and explained why) and treated Asclepius as a 2nd choice…I dont go for that sentiment, …it is disrespectful to Asclepius.

Later on there were A few NFT’s very specifically geared to one type of healing from one culture or several types of healing from one culture.

Both these servitors/gods (Asclepius and Caladrius) are powerful and excellent. Both can be sent out to help heal others, a VERY important aspect for both groups.

Caladrius was released 1 week before Asclepius, so I started my experimenting with utilizing him first.

So perhaps now (end of July 2022) it seems that “there are plenty of healing/immortality nfts now” But when these groups were started, there werent.
And until the last 3 weeks, there weren’t .
So yes, I am glad there are more now.

(Dream also released The Flaunt, as a powerful healing field).

Both groups are blessed that Dream created these NFT’s for us.
(All groups are blessed that Dream created NFT’s for us)

All of these NFT’s are unique.

Dream doesnt remake any NFT’s.

“Hoping some unique, unprecedented projects get chosen AS WELL to be made”

(Just having my say)

Thanks Dream for these NFT’s ! :rose: :bouquet:


I’ll leave it to fate if I’m able to get a copy or not :pray:

I had tried my hand at energy healing when different family pets got sick (Cancer for one, and the end stage of FIV for another), but I wasn’t successful. I was able to decrease some discomfort but being split between work and school at the same time prevented me from putting all my time into helping them. And when grandparents were at the advanced stages of their own diseases, I only had prayers for them and I doubt that it accomplished much.

I hadn’t made a formal vow that I would become focused on healing, but I do have a hope that I can do more good when those situations arise. This could definitely be a help.


If u need help, PM me.