Attract Love NFT vs Youtube

I’m confused about the difference between the two.

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Hi DegHunt. An NFT is a fielded mandala for purchase or trade via sapienmed sites only. It may include an audio, but requires ownership. A fielded audio that is on Youtube can be enjoyed by anyone, provided it has been placed there legally by sapienmed (or with permission) and not illegally by another. Occasionally there may have been audios and NFTs titled similarly.

If you have a question about a specific item, please let us know so that we can assist in resolving your confusion.


Yeah this is the one that I found on youtube from Energetic Alchemy. Was just a little lost as to the difference since they both have the exact name.

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Yep that’s exactly the case I mentioned. It is an audio only. The NFT is mentioned in detail here

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Alright thanks a lot for the help.

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you're so welcome angel

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