I just saw someone being violent -
police were called etc I would have called but someone had but I don’t want to attract horrible things like that. Now I know to some people it’s funny or NBD but for me I don’t like it and it used to remind me of something traumatic that once happened too. What fields to you recommend to make people around me yes including when I’m in the streets etc walking to buy food at the shops more peaceful?
I’ve attracted a lot of users in my life by that I mean people who only liked me for what they could GET. I want to attract kind people instead who like me for ME what do you recommend field wise for that?
Thanks in advance :)
and if you want, this
Thank you! I will have a look and I definitely appreciate your reply! Gosh what a lovely screenshot of the hummingbird and flower
A big hug to you!
To you also
I can’t play any of them outloud just with headphones might they still help? And again I really appreciate this!
I think yes, but I prefer qualified people to answer.
Try to work on the trauma that got brought up from this incident for starters. It could be that you attract these people and events. Could be from your past. Try the mental health album and everything that helps with emotional issues. Very likely that you end up with the same kind of people because there is a lesson to learn from.
Don’t know if thats to harsh to say? but to attract others that like you you have to like yourself first at least that’s my experience.
What if it’s not from MY mental health though because my own mental health is sound but basically I witnessed a suicide attempt OBVIOUSLY I tried to stop it but also I was so freaked out everything was fine in the end & we don’t even know if he was trying to milk himself or just get attention he was drunk & on drugs anyway since then I’ve been a bit afraid of drunk people if they seem a bit angry. First he was shouting in anger and slamming his body into the wall and now I think I associate drunk anger with potential violence but I get even more freaked out by it than others might also I had that thing when I tried to protect someone and I got thrown onto the floor that person who was hurting us was surely on something. Literally foaming at the mouth.
It’s not too harsh but it’s like I don’t WANT to attract people like that I want to attract peaceful stable people. I don’t know what lesson if anything im too kind I mean do you think a karma cleanser past life clearing? I don’t know but I don’t want this.
Nor do I want any more toxic taker type people in my life who are only out for what they can get.
I want to know how to change this what fields can help change this.
My brother has issues including possibly mental health things - can I please add we are NOT biologically related & I’ve been tested for my mental health all good. But he has also struggled with alcoholism & drug addiction PLUS gone through stages of religious fundamentalism not like hurting people more being annoying and very intolerant. (Ironic, no?) soooo I DO feel like I attract people who have elements of this maybe because of him plus he’s very much a taker type. Was a bully to me as a kid his side taken by my parents. For reasons to do with their relationship he was favoured. Even my grandma saw it.
SOOOOO anything on healing from family crap would be GREAT.
I’ve seen things like subliminals to help with wounds from parents but nothing from siblings.
Again, thank you
Well, there’s one for the wish list, looks great!
Hi @Athena, in addition to the fields @Fender_Cad and @Thomas suggested, these fields may help you:
Yes, either headphones or speakers are fine.
Speakers tend to spread the energy around better but either will work.
Best of wishes!
Maybe it has to do with your brother? The patterns are kinda similar.
You yourself mentioned that some trauma got brought up… the mental health aulbum got trauma release and much more… so it seems it could help your mental health. You don’t have to be “crazy” to listen to it.
Also… you often end up with the same persons, people you didn’t really know before show similar patterns but you think that you’re not at least partly responsible in attraction these circumstances into your life?
if there was why wouldn’t you want to take it?
I think at least a few things can be tracked down to you brother and how you parents treated you or didn’t treat you and you have these patterns in you and you keep attracting certain events or people. Maybe try to work on that… how you felt what you expected and what didn’t happen why it didn’t happen try to reason from others perspective. It lies within you
Yes I think there’s a link for sure but I don’t know how to fix it? Oh I WOULD want a karma cleanse, I meant I don’t want bad things to come due to for eg bad karma or past lives.
As well as the trauma & amaglydia any other fields you recommend that might help me heal this?
Not saying I’m perfect but if anything sighhh it’s attracting being treated like a freakin’ doormat Or more like a vending machine.
I’d like to attract less manipulative people into my life.
Yes I’m working on setting boundaries but I’d like to just not even attract the type of people who would even TRY to cross them.
Yes I believe it COULD stem from those family things but I find it hard to find things that deal with family things from the past I only have found things to heal stuff from parents?
How much time a day do you have to listen?
Thank you
Thank you for that mandala!
Thank you so much!