Audio for cunning and troubleshooting

I would like to know which audio you recommend for cunning and problem solving, it does not have to be an audio from sapiens, it can be from any channel you trust, only if it is not paid because I can’t get anything now, I don’t think superhuman genius or permanent brain enhancement will help me a lot in this case, because I don’t study, I don’t study anything, a little spirituality, but only, I don’t need to pass a test or something, I want to see further, I want cunning and intelligence, genius to get out of the current situations that have been holding me for so long, I want definitive solutions, in the case of permanent brain enhancement to be honest I have used it for a long period of time until, it did not serve what I want.

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Hi @LordeShadow,

As you pointed out yourself in another recent thread, brain audios on their own may not be always sufficient to address the issues you’re talking about. One needs a more holistic approach which should include diet, lifestyle, regular “check-up” of the general energetic and emotional state, etc. As Dmitrij said:

By the way, I don’t use any other channel than Sapien Medicine anymore (regarding these issues), so my feedback will be based only on it.

Have you tried the Optimal Health Stack from the course? It can greatly contribute to a more holistic approach, without overloading you and not requiring daily use:

Personally (and mostly thanks to this forum’s members’ suggestions and guidelines :pray:t2:), I daily use Ego Dissolution (yes… a brain field), Anti Aging (“increases neuroplasticity and restores brain function to a peak of health over time” as reminded by Uial), Enpp6 Enzyme, Permanent Brain Enhancement (as you do) and Brain Regeneration. I also use several times a week others such as: GPDL 1 Booster, Enhanced Hemisphere Connectivity, Experimental Autism Help (reduces over stimulation, among other benefits), Stroke Prevention and Help (“fatty deposits and scar tissue and generally blockages and gently broken up to be removed in arteries and blood vessels”, a very important aspect drawn to our attention by Uial in a deleted thread), Multiple Sclerosis Help (especially for this part: “work on your spine and brain to remove the buildup of scar tissue, Nerve growth factor to increase the health of your nervous system and brain and finally induced myelination to help restore function”).

Others often come into the picture too, such as Induce Creativity and Synesthesia (among ex Daniel’s favorites) for a bigger and deeper picture lol.

Because this is the heart of the strategy: expanding and thus “transcending” usual limitations. This is why fields such as Quasi Crystal, Star Being Experience and many other “experience” audios do help me as well. Basically, these allow you to change patterns and/or stand inside “someone else’s shoes” for a while, “think” in a brand new manner…

… so that they can be transposed to your daily life afterwards, unlocking new possibilities of action.

Sorry for the wall :p These are just suggestions, no need to use them all. You may give a try to those which seem more appealing to you.


It sound to me like what you need is the creativity to think of new solutions. Here:

Induce Creativity

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So far, Sapien’s Powerful Good Luck Energy video which I listened to for about 7-8 months twice daily and later on, his Draw Luck mandala (Instagram) worked wonders in various circumstances and helped solve different problems for me easily, amazingly that I would rate them as 2 of the best Sapien creations ever. I would even prefer using these than the PBE and the Genius audios since they were truly effective for me.

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This audio is really good, I started using it recently and had several results.

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Thank you, I’ll try this one.
