Audios for gambling luck

Thanks OM!
I have had a clear idea since a bit after the mind settings album came out, but I need to put in a fair bit of work to improve conceptual thinking to be comfortable with all the numbers in the draw… I am not putting in enough so I have quite a bit of learning left.

But that was also my basic idea.


im sure that the IPF helped me so much in this, for knowing stuff


Actually in my opinion if the luck should turn to a special skill, it would be Clairvoyance.

So we can see everything what happens in the future in detail order.

But for now, there’s no field can do that. Hehe.

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Don’t gamble

Yeah…get really good at poker… Which is a whole skill set beyond “luck”.

There’s plenty of books on getting good at poker which involves mostly math and pot odds and basic boring non-glamorous stuff like calculating pot odds, implied odds, putting people on ranges of hands, understanding what range of hands to play depending on your position from the dealer, etc

All the stuff that’s the COMPLETELY OPPOSITE of gambling and gives no adrenaline rush or “thrills” of excitement.
Just like counting cards in BJ…it becomes a boring monotonous thing that one does as another “job”.
Except these are jobs that will definitely bankrupt you a few times even if you are very very good at it.

Don’t Gamble.

Even better, don’t gamble for income.
You want to gamble as a form of entertainment…like an very expensive night out to the movies and dinner… then ALWAYS view that way.

Expecting to win at any of these things long term is the very definition of insanity.

You won’t be the “first” who thinks they will beat the system…you won’t be the last.
Maybe you’ll be the wisest tho and head my advice.


No but practice can take you close enough :slight_smile:
Even clairvoyance doesn’t mean you see everything clearly, and whatever you “see” is filtered through your ego and could even be outside influence.
Besides, you get concepts, and then there is a sort of a translation to your conscious mind. And a lot of things can get lost in that translation :D

For example, I read in one of dale’s articles that if you’re receptive, you might get an urge to eat mice… coming from the cat outside or your house in the alley.
When I read it I was like ‘yeah lol… sure…’
But then now when I spent a ton of time with my parents’ old cat (and animal telepathy and conceptual realizations), at one point it was in my lap and I had the urge/feeling to lick the cat. Obviously I didn’t and I was like wtf is that, where does this come from… Insane. Made me remember that article. I think she jumped off a few minutes later and started cleaning itself.


But, when you say “the future”, there is no single future, but many possible outcomes, which is why it cannot be predicted with high accuracy. And by trying to view it you have already changed it. Heisenberg’s principle.


:eyes: Look at you!


Ah, I see you have finally been acknowledged our feline overlords and deemed worthy to receive a transmission. :cat: that’s a little freaky but also amazing! Meaning you’ve made a lot of progress with those two fields. I’m really inspired by your anecdote to keep on looping, though Animal Telepathy is a little hard on the ears.:sweat_smile:


Yeah I miss that cat :frowning:
I should mention I also put IBIRB in the brain stack as per OM’s recommendation.
I only play the 2 fields once or twice a day and animal telepathy on the lowest volume :sweat_smile:


intuition is form of clairvoyance, receiving distance information of an event about to happen is bit of clairvoyance.


back again to what clairvoyance is:

Precognition, Postcognition, Clairvoyance and Remote Viewing. (Are all the same thing!)

So, what makes one person accurately psychic and leaves another missing the
mark over and over again, if they both have the same basic psychic platform to
work with? Well, a good psychic will have a few traits that tend to be different than
the norm.

Extreme Introspection: The more a given person is prone to notice their own
thoughts and mental processes, the more likely they will notice disruptions and
out of character impulses. People that live their lives focused outside of
themselves make great entertainers, but tend to not be as good with pure data
collection on the psychic level.

Willingness to be wrong: The feeling that “I could be wrong here” is a very
common one when collecting psychic data. This is strongest when what you are
perceiving mentally goes against your innate sense of what should be happening.
In most cases if something seems to be that different from what you believe it
should be, going with the perceived data is the correct choice.

Letting go of the internal storyteller: As humans, our conscious minds roll is
to make sense of our world and reality, and place it in an understandable (which
means survivable) framework. With psychic function though, it tends to degrade
the information when you try to build the pattern consciously, spinning the
information into a story, rather than letting it form on it’s own and simply reporting
the data.

The better you get at NOT “putting the pieces” together, the higher the quality
your collected data will be.

In general it is hard to do these things without letting go of your own ego. (Not
sense of self, but pride, vanity and greed. That kind of ego.) If you learn to do
away with that portion of yourself, you will find you ability to gather psychic data
grows rapidly.



Which audio is that one? The one to be played once in hours ?

Abundance for all on patreon

Effects last for 8-24 hours after listening.


me :)