Anybody in here knows any audio useful for anterior pelvic tilt (Related to Hyper Lordosis too)?
I have a pretty severe APT since many years ago.
Hi @Unbreakable, these audios may help:
- Experimental Scoliosis Treatment (corrects posture along the entire spine)
- Collagen Booster (can be of help with tight muscles in the lower back and pelvic areas and general flexibility)
- Joint Regeneration (can be of help with tight muscles in the lower back and pelvic areas and general flexibility)
- Automated Gluteal Workout (as strengthening the gluteal muscles can improve posture in hyperlordosis and anterior pelvic tilt)
- Core Strengthening (as strengthening the core muscles can improve posture in hyperlordosis and anterior pelvic tilt)
- Root & Sacral Chakra (Gumroad) (can be of help with posture and pelvic tilt)
Thank you Uial.
very kindful from you.
No worries, hope the fields improve things for you.
how did it go with your anterior pelvic tilt? any update? i got severe APT aswell, gonna start the stack, only prob is that with the core video i never feel the burn nor do i feel the day after sore muscles.
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I’m using almost all days the core and glute audios.
At the same time, I’m doing hip flexors stretching (https://youtu.be/7bRaX6M2nr8) and the child pose.
No great changes yet but my apt is severe since much time ago.
I’m positive I’ll fix this.
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Any update?