Avatar: The Last Airbender (Some deep stuff!)

Shall we just talk about the deep stuff embedded in Avatar: the Last Airbender under this thread? I’m sure there are some fans here.

Here’s one; (click the latest one to see the comment)



What is this show?


how terrific : ))

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Greatest show of all time if you ask me.

My fav scene is where Zuko stares into the dragon fire and says

“I understand”.


Episode, The Crossroads of Destiny. the Jesus reference. Daaaarn!


true that! and it’s so accurate with intertwined references all over!

  • Uncle Iroh leaving his body and passing onto the spirit world to live there forever.

@_OM your contributions add to my realizations on a daily basis now :rofl: Kudos.


Yeah. I need to rewatch this in it’s entirety.
I know if this show had come out when I was younger, this would have been my “Matrix”
(but Matrix was my Matrix :stuck_out_tongue:)
ie. that life-changing show that called my inner spirit with it’s Truth.


I love Matrix too! (obviously.) I’m still not sure what the agents really refer to. Also not sure if the architect really is bad as they made him seem to be. :face_with_monocle:

Btw, I think you’d really like Star Wars too. It’s super deep as well.


The Ego…in various forms
1 = Individual
2 = mostly collective Ego
3 = Collective Ego at higher levels of Enlightenment.
I’d have to watch the movie with someone in person to explain clearly.

Well, it’s complicated…especially, since they went to a negative interpretation starting half-way thru the 2nd movie… (see my notes in the movies thread about that)
Why it feels “off”…


This Show shaped my childhood I watched once all episodes in one day because they were running a marathon on TV


Aren’t Avatar and Matrix barely six years apart? And only 2 if you count the difference from Matrix Revolutions and Avatar. Can’t imagine you got that much older in a couple of years :joy:

The ego sounds like that video game boss where you think you finally killed it, but it has a second and third form with full health bars lol


God hate it when that happens.

I bet Inception is deep as well but no one seems to talk about it.


Cheat codes ftw

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Grrr that’s pushing it. Although I did use them a lot as a kid. They don’t seem to have those in games that came out post 2004 though.

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I usually finish the game on normal/hard without cheats,

Then replay with cheats and torture every enemy lol

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Oh yeah that’s good lol. I remember using the organic webbing cheat code for Spider Man the movie game. It made sense anyway because he had organic webbing in the movies.

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i discovered this show in 2015…

it was kinda strange because a week before i found it, i was writing of a story dealing with the north and south pole and that was the first scene in the cartoon lol…i took it as a sign to keep writing the story…

found this show as an adult, but its my favorite story…

loved iroh’s character because i grew up watching the voice actor in the movie, sidekick…i knew his voice so well that when i was watching the episode of the one where he’s singing the song soldier boy, theres a scene where he’s being chased with a kid, and i immediately knew on that scene that it was a different voice actor…i paused it and looked it up to make sure and my intuition was correct… R.I.P. Makoto Iwamatsu…it was hard for me to enjoy the following iroh scenes without Mako

i relate to Sokka…falling in love with a princess that later passed away but became a guide in my life…

i love rewatching this show every now and again

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