Based on your experience with Sapein

So @anon46520955, do you recommend I straight away get pure magnetic heart coherence. Will I be able to see results through that. I read the thread about this field and people are giving good reviews.
I want to limit the number of fields I can listen to daily as I have seen myself getting uneasy if I exceed about 15 runs in total. Maybe my anxieties are in play but I have to respect that.
So if this one field can make up for 7 others than this should be it. It costs but I can get it if chances of seeing changes are good.
What is your suggestion ?

PS : although not consistent but I have been using Sapien fields on and off … so how many days you suggest I should stick to a field before I see results ?


Definitely 100% yes if you can buy it do it. Your life will start improving from day one and it keeps healing, improving, strengthening you etc.

And yes with this field you could cut a lot others.

Try the point of no return still for a few days then loop a few times the Heart Coherence.

Stay with just that for a week or 2 then come and tell us and see what else we can suggest after :blush:

I mean after to start incorporating for other goals not to drop the heart coherence, because that field can become your good morning and good night warm bath to live happy for ever after lol so you can focus on other goals


Luna has excellent suggestions. Especially the Angelic Intercession one.

If at some point you want to invest in an audio, I highly recommend The Tower of Power - it is intercession, prayer, grace and blessings in one, with the added blessing of Alchemical Holy Light. It inspires hope, joy and attracts blessings from all over. It is protective, nourishing and like a cozy blanket of divine grace wrapped around oneself.


Oh thank you for the reminder! I keep forgetting getting this one!

Im going now and try it to sleep :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

Just curious… when do you listen to it? :nerd_face:


The question is when am I not :slight_smile:
I have it on loop when working, eating, meditating… I have been listening to it non-stop haha


Oh man! Im just listening to it…

The feeling of holiness is immediately there…

I think im gonna have it on all the time too




Thanks for your response @SorcerySupreme.
I tried the torsion field and as soon as it started… it brought a different taste in my mouth … something sour maybe

Thank you for responding @anon44487865 :blush:

Depth of soul… I didn’t come across this one … will try it out… Also lovers from tarot.
I did try outlook retrainer and it actually for a moment gave me a different perspective to something bothering me. I was surprised to notice this.
And I totally agree with you … these fields are supportive … taking actions is what will give physical results

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@anon44487865 … I just listened to the torsion field and it immediately gave me some different taste in mouth … like sour or something

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Torsion releases stuck energy. I often have that effect (though not often from torsion). It is how you know you are releasing some stuff.

Though I have nothing to contribute, I’m just here to say to the OP that you’re not alone. I’m in deep sh*t just like you. Wish you a good outcome!