Belly area contracts on its own

A few days ago I used the pure moonlight field on loop for maybe more than an hour, with the objective to bring up fears or blockages that needed to be released. At some point I started having “spasms” on a few body parts, but from the belly area the most. Since then my abdominals will quickly contract repeatedly if I listen to fields (some seem to do this more like blueprint which I listen to 3 times a day), if I shift my attention to the belly area or if I try to meditate by focusing on breath (which now I can’t do properly because of this). It also happens without doing anything special, like lying down, but less strong tham if I did any of the things I mentioned before

While I used the moonlight field a few times in a row before, I’m no longer doing it, but I want to get rid of whatever is happening in my abdominals


I think these are good for muscle twitches,

Muscle Massage (Free)
Muscle Recovery 2.0 (Free)
Fear Release (Free)
vagus - 3x Important I feel (Free)
Belly breathing - 3x Important I feel (Free)
Acu-Automation(paid) or Acupressure(Free) - this should also help
Reiki Massage (Free) or Smart Reiki (Gumroad)
Solar Plexus (Gumroad)
Add Mental Album too - forgiveness/release etc. because these help to release the stuck energies.

I believe you are not using any workout fields. U can take a break If you are using them.

Pick a few fields and start slow from above, see the progress and take it from there…


It seems to me like you’re minding. (The answers that you got in that other thread will work here, too.)


Let’s just say I thought it was gonna be over faster, it’s more the length it’s taking that annoys me rather than the strength of the reaction and the fact that I wanted to meditate but I can’t

Thank you for this list! I will try some of these and see how it goes

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I understand. The answers you’ve received in that other thread will help with this as well.

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Yes, I am grateful for the help and I’m not looping fields to avoid damage to abdominals

I don’t think you have to worry about that. The abdominal muscles, even in the doughiest of us, are extremely tough, strong and resilient muscles. They need to be to hold us upright for so much of our days and lives.

What are you doing to soothe and heal this underlying current of fear that your posts are communicating? If I were you, when I’ve restored the balance to my energy systems, that’s where I’d be focusing my work with these fields. And I’d be gentle in that work of mine.

Fear has held me back for my entire life, fear of failure, to speak up, to hurt people, you name it. What has been on my mind lately is that I haven’t given myself enough self-love and I’ve been harsh to myself for my mistakes and because of fear I didn’t talk about it with people close to me (but I recently had to and I’m in a better place than before). I agree I should work on fear, anxiety and also on self love and I have an idea of what fields to use

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Great. And you have a better idea of how to use them properly.

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