Best audio for faster spritual progress and liberation

I have this desire to get liberation from birth and death. And progress spritually soo that i can help other beings as well. Which fields would be helpful in achieving this?


While I cannot help you very much with your direct question on how to break free from the cycle, one thing I can say is:

I would start by fortifying the Energy System and the personal Vibration.

For the first there’s a great field which is called Your Energetic Being which aims to work very holistically on your Energetic System by repairing it, reactivate portions which need it and nourish it with Three Treasures Prana Mana and Ojas.

For the second there’s a great Vibration Riser field which is called Ascensionaut, unfortunately it was a nft and now that the store is closed you only can get it in the secondary market.

If not, the Angelic Vibration V2, Raise your Vibration state(Free), the Vibrational Series (Check Vibration of Divine Love, Vibration of Creation, Vibration of Transcendance) would also be of great help.

The first, priming your energy body will allow you to withstand more energy consuming works, the second will, hmm well, place you above some unpleasant experiences within the cycle (Won’t avoid 100% of them but would make them less likely to appear in your experience) and gave you a sort of sense of direction (At least is what happened with me)

About your first question I leave the floor to the ones which can be truly helpful for you.

Ah I forgot :sweat_smile:

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Free or paid fields?

Free -

Way Of Integrity
Higher Self Connection
Imaginarium Divine

And any Love & Gratitude based field
Like, Radical emotional change, Your Self love, Self love & Acceptance etc.


Ego Dissolution
Self Realization full series

Spam endlessly


Thank you​:pray::pray:I will add them to my daily practices

Thanks a lot

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Thank you…yes I am listening self realization series it has increased compassion a lot

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And :)

Essence of Mantras


Also don’t forget about chakras audios.And please don’t rush as these process leads to change in thought process rapidly…will you be able to handle this??you can end up in mental asylum also…

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Thank you… yes I use essence of mantras

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Thank you…I don’t think anything bad would happen if your intentions are good yes it may look bad to ego but if anything bad happens than maybe that bad thing was the right thing

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Hi @Ikshvaku!

Welcome KY Kab

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And most important grounding is much necessary…it is often overlooked…it will keep you sane in this process…


Yes…I also listen to automated grounding after long Meditations or energy work

Are you also interested in chanting/listening to mantras?
Or you already are idk

Yes I chant gayatri mantra and some Buddhist mantras with deity visualization…but if you can suggest some mantra or practice I would be greatful

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