Thanks to the energy sensitivity of the course and other audios I’ve realized that I have a big ‘void’. Realized I’ve never been truly happy with my current life so I filled up all the time with things to do, to stop thinking. Be it alcohol, food, exercise, etc. And this started since I was very young, the only true moments I remember from happiness is when I could disconnect from the world, for example when meditating or just being with myself.
Was thinking maybe gratitude and appreciation and Self love and acceptance can help, also got the soul core heart restoration but idk if it helps for that. Any ideas?
It’s the earth’s vibration and the natural healthy vibration of a human body. It helps you feel comfortable in your own skin. So hopefully you won’t feel the need to get away from yourself.
Alright, although I think it’s not a problem of being with myself, as much as is a problem of being in the world. I remember always being an ‘outsider’, even the times I integrated, it always felt off, had to put a mask to fit in most times.
I’ve deeply resonated with this thread and all the posts. Thanks for that.
The mask metaphor is so accurate. Ace had a post (or maybe more?) about Jung, if I’m correct. So Ace, you certainly know about the persona concept. There’s a big masquerade all over the place, so no wonder one feels like an outsider in the middle of a perpetual who’s who game.
I’m not the “peace and love” type, nor high vibrational. The description of the following video is even too romantic for me. But does it help? Yes.
“That guy seems dumb and uncool with his purple hair. I’d better not waste my precious time and reputation with him”,
“That lady is an ignorant and lame housewife lol. How would she understand my deep philosophy about Elaeocarpus ganitrus?”, etc.
These examples sound caricatural, but most of us have this kind of preconceptions, at least once in a while.
Then, we find ourselves stuck with the purple haired guy or the ignorant woman somewhere, and we ask if they have a lighter… exchange some banalities… and eventually end up understanding that we were not as much outsiders to each other as we had initially thought. Especially if we did listen to the field below, beforehand.
/has to look up one of @Bronyraur references…again/
Elaeocarpus ganitrus , is a large evergreen broad-leaved tree whose seed is traditionally used for prayer beads in Hinduism. The seeds are known as rudraksha , or rudraksh , Sanskrit: rudrākṣa (“Rudra’s eyes”). Rudraksha may be produced by several species of Elaeocarpus ; however, E. ganitrus is the principal species used in the making of mala .
Just the fact that you can come on here and open up and ask for advice shows how awesome of a person you really are!
But i believe the trick is to feel comfortable with yourself. Once you realize that you’re awesome and not at all dull, you’ll feel more comfortable with yourself.
I’ll be honest, i’m still not a very open person. If I were a door, I would be locked most of the time. I was the type of person who was pretty closed off emotionally and physically from childhood into early adulthood. It hindered the relationships I had and it typically prevented me from starting new relationships.
But what i can say that helped me the most years ago was a free full subliminal released by Indigo Mindlabs…
Go there to read the full description.
It really helped me a lot and it may just help you along with the fields. One of the best subliminal creators i know of. Definitely give it a look into.
I cannot tell you why but that definitely helps. A week ago I bought a small plant for my room and I was so excited about it lol, someone would call me crazy, I also have a cat
I agree with you, and even though I currently will only use dreams work I appreciate your advice. Spiritual development and especially my lion tag should help with confidence. One thing I’ve realized not too long ago is how important is to work inward and then outward, I’ve cut down on almost all physical audios bc I’ve realized you can never be fulfilled if you’re not currently satisfied with what you have. It’s like a dog chasing its own tail.